Selected publications of Valentina. Borghesani
  1. Valentina Borghesani. The neuro-cognitive representation of word meaning resolved in space and TIME. PhD Thesis, Paris VI and Università di Trento, 2017. [WWW] [PDF]

Articles in journals
  1. Valentina Borghesani, Marco Buiatti, Evelyn Eger, and Manuela Piazza. Conceptual and perceptual dimensions of word meaning are recovered rapidly and in parallel during reading. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 31(1):95--108, 2019. [WWW] [PDF]

  2. Valentina Borghesani, Maria Dolores de Hevia, Arnaud Viarouge, Pedro Pinheiro-Chagas, Evelyn Eger, and Manuela Piazza. Processing number and length in the parietal cortex: Sharing resources, not a common code. Cortex, 114:17--27, 2019. [WWW] [PDF]

  3. Valentina Borghesani, Fabian Pedregosa, Marco Buiatti, Alexis Amadon, Evelyn Eger, and Manuela Piazza. Word meaning in the ventral visual path: a perceptual to conceptual gradient of semantic coding.. Neuroimage, 143:128--140, September 2016. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

Conference proceedings
  1. V. Borghesani, M.D. De Hevia, A. Viarouge, P. Pinheiro Chagas, E. Eger, and M. Piazza. Comparing magnitudes across dimensions: a univariate and multivariate approach. In In 6th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in NeuroImaging: IEEE, 2016, 1-4, 2016.

  2. Valentina. Borghesani, F. Pedregosa, Evelyn Eger, M. Buiatti, and Manuela Piazza. A perceptual-to-conceptual gradient of word coding along the ventral path. In 4th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in NeuroImaging, 2014. [PDF]



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Note that this is not the exhaustive list of publications, but only a selection. Contact the individual authors for complete lists of references.

Last modified: Sat Jan 4 12:12:18 2025
Author: cp983411.

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