Selected publications of Guido Hesselmann
Articles in journals
  1. Baptiste Gauthier, Evelyn Eger, Guido Hesselmann, Anne-Lise Giraud, and Andreas Kleinschmidt. Temporal tuning properties along the human ventral visual stream. J Neurosci, 32(41):14433--14441, October 2012. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  2. G. Hesselmann, L. Naccache, L. Cohen, and S Dehaene. Splitting of the P3 component during dual-task processing in a patient with posterior callosal section. Cortex, Available online 27 March 2012, 2012. [WWW] [PDF]

  3. G. Hesselmann, G. Flandin, and S. Dehaene. Probing the cortical network underlying the psychological refractory period: A combined EEG-fMRI study. Neuroimage, March 2011. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  4. Guido Hesselmann, Sepideh Sadaghiani, Karl J. Friston, and Andreas Kleinschmidt. Predictive coding or evidence accumulation? False inference and neuronal fluctuations.. PLoS One, 5(3):e9926, 2010. [WWW] [Abstract]

  5. Sepideh Sadaghiani, Guido Hesselmann, Karl J. Friston, and Andreas Kleinschmidt. The relation of ongoing brain activity, evoked neural response, and cognition. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 4, article 20, June 2010. [PDF]

  6. Sepideh Sadaghiani, Guido Hesselmann, and Andreas Kleinschmidt. Distributed and antagonistic contributions of ongoing activity fluctuations to auditory stimulus detection.. Journal of Neuroscience, 29(42):13410--13417, October 2009. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  7. Guido Hesselmann, Christian A. Kell, Evelyn Eger, and Andreas Kleinschmidt. Spontaneous local variations in ongoing neural activity bias perceptual decisions.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 105(31):10984--10989, August 2008. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  8. Guido Hesselmann, Christian A. Kell, and Andreas Kleinschmidt. Ongoing activity fluctuations in hMT+ bias the perception of coherent visual motion.. Journal of Neuroscience, 28(53):14481--14485, December 2008. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]



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Note that this is not the exhaustive list of publications, but only a selection. Contact the individual authors for complete lists of references.

Last modified: Sat Jan 4 12:12:18 2025
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