Selected publications of Sabina Pappata
Articles in journals
  1. Claire Landmann, Stanislas Dehaene, Sabina Pappata, Antoinette Jobert, Michel Bottlaender, Dimitri Roumenov, and Denis Le Bihan. Dynamics of Prefrontal and Cingulate Activity during a Reward-Based Logical Deduction Task. Cereb Cortex, 17:749--759, 2007. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  2. Nicolas Molko, Sabina Pappata, Jean-François Mangin, F. Poupon, Denis LeBihan, M. G. Bousser, and H. Chabriat. Monitoring disease progression in CADASIL with diffusion magnetic resonance imaging a study with whole brain histogram analysis. Stroke, 33:2902--2908, 2002. [PDF]

  3. Sabina Pappata, Stanislas Dehaene, Jean-Baptiste Poline, M. C. Grégoire, Antoinette Jobert, J. Delforge, V. Frouin, M. Bottlaender, F. Dollé, L. Di Giamberardino, and A. Syrota. In vivo detection of striatal dopamine release during reward: a PET study with 11C-Raclopride and a single dynamic scan approach. ni, 16:1015--1027, 2002. [PDF]

  4. G. Blomqvist, B. Tavitian, Sabina Pappata, C. Crouzel, Antoinette Jobert, I. Doignon, and Luigi DiGiamberardino. Quantitative measurement of cerebral acetylcholinesterase using C Physostigmine and positron emission tomography. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 21:114--131, 2001.

  5. Nicolas Molko, Sabina Pappata, Jean-François Mangin, Cyril Poupon, K. Vahedi, Antoinette Jobert, Denis LeBihan, M.-D. Bousser, and Hughes Chabriat. Diffusion tensor imaging study of subcortical gray matter in CADASIL. Stroke, 32:2049--2054, 2001. [PDF]

  6. H. Chabriat, Sabina Pappata, L. Ostergaard, C. A. Clark, M. Pachot-Clouard, K. Vahedi, Antoinette Jobert, Denis LeBihan, and M. G. Bousser. Cerebral Hemodynamics in CADASIL before and after acetazolamide challenge assessed with MRI bolus tracking. Stroke, 31:1904--1912, 2000.

  7. H. Chabriat, Sabina Pappata, C. Poupon, C. A. Clark, K. Vahedi, F. Poupon, J.-F. Mangin, M. Pachot-Clouard, Antoinette Jobert, Denis LeBihan, and M.-G. Bousser. Clinical severity in CADASIL related to ultrastructural damage in white matter: in vivo study with diffusion tensor MRI. Stroke, 30(12):2637--2643, 1999.

  8. L. Traykov, B. Tavitian, Antoinette Jobert, F. Boller, F. Forette, C. Crouzel, L. Di Giamberardino, and S. Pappata. In vivo PET study of cerebral (11C) methyl-tetrahydroaminoacridine distribution and kinetics in healthy human subjects. European journal of Neurology, 6:273--278, 1999.

  9. G. Dalla Barba, V. Parlato, Antoinette Jobert, Y. Samson, and Sabina Pappata. Cortical networks implicated in semantic and episodic memory: common or unique ?. Cortex, 34:547--561, 1998.

  10. Sabina Pappata, B. Tavitian, L. Traykov, Antoinette Jobert, A. Dalger, J. F. Mangin, C. Crouzel, and L. Di Giamberardino. In vivo imaging of human cerebral acetylcholinesterase. Journal of Neurochemistry, 67:876--879, 1996.

  11. J. Delforge, Sabina Pappata, P. Millet, Y. Samson, B. Bendriem, Antoinette Jobert, C. Crouzel, and André Syrota. Quantification of benzodiazepine receptors in human brain using PET,[11C]Flumazenil, and a single-experiment protocol. J Cereb Flow Metab, 15:284--300, 1995.

  12. B. Tavitian, Sabina Pappata, S. Bonnot-Lours, C. Prenant, Antoinette Jobert, C. Crouzel, and L. Di Giamberardino. Positron emission tomography study of [11C]methyl-tetrahydroaminoacridine (methyl-tacrine) in baboon brain. European Journal of Pharmacology, 236:229--238, 1993.

  13. B. Tavitian, Sabina Pappata, A. Planas, Antoinette Jobert, S. Bonnot-Lours, C. Crouzel, and L. Di Giamberardino. In vivo visualization of acetylcholinesterase with positron emission tomography. NeuroReport, 4:535--538, 1993.

Book chapters
  1. G. Blomqvist, B. Tavitian, Sabina Pappata, C. Crouzel, Antoinette Jobert, and L. Di Giamberardino. A tracer kinetic model for measurement of regional acetylcholinesterase activity in the brain using 11Cphysostigmine and PET. In A. Gjedde, editor,Physiological Imaging of the Brain with PET, pages 273--278. Academic Press, 2000.

  2. B. Tavitian, Sabina Pappata, F. Branly, Antoinette Jobert, A. Dalger, E. Dumont, F. Simonnet, J. Grassi, C. Crouzel, and L. Di Giamberardino. In vivo imaging of anticholinesterase drugs used in Alzheimer's disease. In R. Becker, E. Giacobini, and P. Robert, editors,Alzheimer disease: from molecular biology to therapy, pages 109. Birka?ser, 1996.

  3. B. Tavitian, Sabina Pappata, Antoinette Jobert, C. Crouzel, L. Di Giamberardino, and A. Planas. Positron emission tomography with (11C)-methyltacrine and (11C)-physostigmine. In E. Giacobini and R. Becker, editors,Alzheimer disease: therapeutic strategies, pages 413--416. Birkhèuser, 1994.

  1. D. Attar-Levy, J. Blin, C. Crouzel, M. H. Dao-Castellana, Bernard Mazoyer, M. F. Poirier, A. Feline, E. Hantouche, M. Fiorelli, Sabina Pappata, and André Syrota. Cortical 5-JHT2 receptors studied with and 18F-labeled setoperone during depressive illness and antidepressant treatment with clomipramine, 1991.



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Note that this is not the exhaustive list of publications, but only a selection. Contact the individual authors for complete lists of references.

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