Publications of year 1991
Articles in journals
  1. Anne Christophe, Christophe Pallier, Josiane Bertoncini, and Jacques Mehler. A la recherche d'une unité : segmentation et traitement de la parole. ap, 91:59--86, 1991.

  2. Laurent Cohen, L. Bélec, P. Lacoste, and J. L. Signoret. Illusion visuelle d'obliquité: Un cas. rn, 147:389--391, 1991.

  3. Laurent Cohen and Stanislas Dehaene. Neglect dyslexia for numbers? A case report. cn, 8:39--58, 1991. [PDF]

  4. Laurent Cohen, P. Rémy, A. Leroy, C. Gény, and J. D. Degos. Minor hemisphere syndrome following left hemispheric lesion in a right hander. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 54:842--843, 1991.

  5. Stanislas Dehaene and J. P. Changeux. The Wisconsin card sorting test : Theoretical analysis and modelling in a neuronal network. Cerebral Cortex, 1:62--79, 1991. [PDF]

  6. Stanislas Dehaene and Laurent Cohen. Two mental calculation systems: A case study of severe acalculia with preserved approximation. Neuropsychologia, 29:1045--1074, 1991. [PDF]

  7. J.-M. Léger, M. Levasseur, N. Benoit, J. C. Baron, S. Tran Dinh, F. Bolgert, Laurent Cohen, P. Brunet, and J. L. Signoret. Apraxie d'aggravation lentement progressive: Etude par IRM et tomographie à positons dans 4 cas. rn, 147:183--191, 1991.

  1. D. Attar-Levy, J. Blin, C. Crouzel, M. H. Dao-Castellana, Bernard Mazoyer, M. F. Poirier, A. Feline, E. Hantouche, M. Fiorelli, Sabina Pappata, and André Syrota. Cortical 5-JHT2 receptors studied with and 18F-labeled setoperone during depressive illness and antidepressant treatment with clomipramine, 1991.



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Note that this is not the exhaustive list of publications, but only a selection. Contact the individual authors for complete lists of references.

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