Publications of year 1998
Book chapters
  1. Stanislas Dehaene and Laurent Cohen. Levels of representation in number processing. In B. Stemmer and H. A. Whitaker, editors,The handbook of neurolinguistics, pages 331--341. Academic Press, 1998. [PDF]

  2. Stanislas Dehaene, Laurent Cohen, and Jean-Pierre Changeux. Neuronal network models of acalculia and prefrontal deficits. In R. W. Parks and D. S. Levine, editors,Fundamentals of neural network modeling for neuropsychology, pages 233--256. MIT Press, 1998.

  3. Jacques Mehler, Emmanuel Dupoux, Christophe Pallier, and Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz. Cross-linguistic approaches to speech processing. In S. M Squire, L. R. & Kosslyn, editor,Findings and Current Opinion in Cognitive Neuroscience. MIT Press, 1998.
    Note: Reprinted from Mehler et al. (1994) Current Opinion in Neurobiology.

  4. Jacques Mehler, Christophe Pallier, and Anne Christophe. Language and Cognition. In M. Sabourin, F. Craik, and M Robert, editors,Advances in Psychological Science: Biological and Cognitive Aspects, volume 2, pages 381-398. Psychology Press, Hove, East Sussex, 1998. [PDF]

Articles in journals
  1. Anne-Catherine Bachoud-Lévi, Emmanuel Dupoux, Laurent Cohen, and Jacques Mehler. Where is the length effect? A cross-linguistic study. jml, 39:331--346, 1998.

  2. G. Dalla Barba, V. Parlato, Antoinette Jobert, Y. Samson, and Sabina Pappata. Cortical networks implicated in semantic and episodic memory: common or unique ?. Cortex, 34:547--561, 1998.

  3. Jean-Pierre Changeux, D. Bertrand, P.-J. Corringer, Stanislas Dehaene, S. Edelstein, C. Léna, N. Le Novere, L. Marubio, M. Picciotto, and M. Zoli. Brain nicotinic receptors: structure and regulation, role in learning and reinforcement. Brain Research Reviews, 26:198--216, 1998. [PDF]

  4. Laurent Cohen and Stanislas Dehaene. Competition between past and present. Assessment and interpretation of verbal perseverations. Brain, 121:1641--1659, 1998. [PDF]

  5. Stanislas Dehaene, G. Le Clec'H, Laurent Cohen, Jean-Baptiste Poline, Pierre-François van de Moortele, and Denis LeBihan. Inferring behavior from functional brain images. Nature Neuroscience, 1:549--550, 1998. [PDF]

  6. Stanislas Dehaene, Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz, and Laurent Cohen. Abstract representations of numbers in the animal and human brain. tins, 21:355--361, 1998. [PDF]

  7. Stanislas Dehaene, M. Kergsberg, and J. P. Changeux. A neuronal model of a global workspace in effortful cognitive tasks. pnas, 95:14529--14534, 1998. [PDF]

  8. Jean-Pierre Changeux Stanislas Dehaene. Hierarchical neuronal modeling of cognitive functions : From synaptic transmission to the tower of London. Comptes-Rendus de l Academie des Sciences (Paris), 321:241-7, 1998. [PDF]

  9. Stanislas Dehaene, Lionel Naccache, G. Le Clec'H, E. Koechlin, M. Mueller, Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz, P. F. van de Moortele, and Denis LeBihan. Imaging unconscious semantic priming. Nature, 395:597--600, 1998. [PDF]

  10. Stanislas Dehaene. The development of delayed response: Parallel distributed processing lacks neural plausibility. Developmental Science, 1:194--196, 1998. [PDF]

  11. Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz and S. Baillet. A phonological representation in the infant brain. NeuroReport, 9:1885--1888, 1998. [PDF]

  12. Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz. Syllable discrimination by normal and pathological premature neonates. Developmental Neuropsychology, 14:579--597, 1998.

  13. Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz and Derek Houston. Faster orientation latency toward native language in two-month-old infants. Language and Speech, 41(1):21--43, 1998. [PDF]

  14. S. Lehéricy, B. Bazin, Laurent Cohen, M. Baulac, Denis LeBihan, and C. Marsault. Functional MRI Language Dominance: Comparison of 3 Different Tasks with the Wada Test. Radiology, 209 (P):242, 1998.

  15. Christophe Pallier, Nuria Sebastian-Gallés, Emmanuel Dupoux, Anne Christophe, and Jacques Mehler. Perceptual Adjustment to Time-Compressed Speech: a Cross-Linguistic Study. mc, 26(4):844--851, 1998. [PDF]

  16. Daniela Perani, Eraldo Paulesu, Nuria Sebastian-Galles, Emmanuel Dupoux, Stanislas Dehaene, V. Bettinardi, S. F. Cappa, F. Fazio, and Jacques Mehler. The bilingual brain : Proficienty and age of acquisition of the second language. Brain, 121:1841--1852, 1998. [PDF]

  17. A. Sirigu, Laurent Cohen, T. Zalla, P. Pradat-Diehl, P. van Eeckhout, J. Grafman, and Y. Agid. Distinct frontal regions for processing sentence syntax and story grammar. Cortex, 34:771--778, 1998. [PDF]

  18. B. Tavitian, S. Terrazzino, F. Dollé, S. Marzabal, B. Kuhnast, J. R. Deverre, Antoinette Jobert, F. Hinnen, B. Bendriem, C. Crouzel, and L. Di Giamberardino. In vivo imaging with (18F) oligonucleotides: towards the noninvasive detection of specific RNAs ?. Anticancer Research, 18:4996--4997, 1998.

  19. B. Tavitian, S. Terrazzino, B. Kuhnast, S. Marzabal, O. Stettler, F. Dollé, J. R. Deverre, Antoinette Jobert, F. Hinnen, B. Bendriem, C. Crouzel, and L. Di Giamberardino. In vivo imaging of oligonucleotides with positron emission tomography. Nature Medecine, 4:467--471, 1998.

Conference proceedings
  1. Christophe Pallier. Une étude du décours temporel de la prononciation des mots. In Annales de la fondation Fyssen, Paris, 1998. Fondation Fyssen.
    Note: PhAnnales de la fondation Fyssen, 13, Paris. [PDF]

  2. Christophe Pallier. Représentations phonologiques en reconnaissance des mots parlés. In D. Kayser, A. Nguyen-Xuan, and André Holley, editors, Actes du VII$^e$ colloque de l'Association pour la Recherche Cognitive, ARC'98, Saint-Denis, France, pages 67--74, 11--12 dec 1998. universités Paris 8 et 13. [PDF]

Manuals, booklets
  1. Christophe Pallier, Emmanuel Dupoux, and Xavier Jeannin. Expe6 Reference Manual. 1998. [WWW] [PDF]

  1. Stanislas Dehaene. The development of delayed response: Parallel distributed processing lacks neural plausibility. Developmental Science, 1998. [PDF]

  2. Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz. Comment la langue devient-elle maternelle? Nouveaux aperçus sur les premières étapes de l'acquisition du langage, 1998.
    Note: Médecines/Thérapeutique Pédiatrie, 1, 73--78.

  3. Christophe Pallier. Un exemple de créolisation chez des enfants sourds?, avril 1998.
    Note: PhMédecine/Sciences, 14, pp. 487--488. [WWW]

  4. Christophe Pallier. Accent natif, avril 1998.
    Note: PhPour la Science, 246, pp. 26. [WWW]



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Note that this is not the exhaustive list of publications, but only a selection. Contact the individual authors for complete lists of references.

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