Publications of year 2003 |
Nicolas Molko.
Apport de l'imagerie du tenseur de diffusion dans l'étude du tissu cérébral pathologique.
Université Paris VI,
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Stanislas Dehaene.
The neural bases of subliminal priming.
In Functional Neuroimaging of visual cognition (Attention and performance Series, 20).
Nancy Kanwisher & John Duncan,
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Stanislas Dehaene.
Les bases cérébrales d'une acquisition culturelle: la lecture.
In Jean-Pierre Changeux, editor,Gènes et Culture,
pages 187--199.
Odile Jacob,
[PDF] [bibtex-entry]
Stanislas Dehaene.
Acalculia and number processing disorders.
In Todd E. Feinberg and Martha J. Farah, editors,Behavioral Neurology and Neuropsychology.
2nd edition,
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Christophe Pallier and Anne-Marie Argenti.
Imagerie cérébrale du bilinguisme.
In Olivier Etard and Nathalie Tzourio-Mazoyer, editors,Cerveau et Langage. Traité de Sciences Cognitives.
Hermès Science,
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Philippe Ciuciu,
Jean-Baptiste Poline,
Guillaume Marrelec,
Jerôme Idier,
Christophe Pallier,
and Habib Benali.
Unsupervised robust non-parametric estimation of the hemodynamic response function for any fMRI experiment.
IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging,
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Laurent Cohen,
O. Martinaud,
Cathy Lemer,
S. Lehéricy,
Yves Samson,
M. Obadia,
and A. Slachevsky.
Visual word recognition in the left ant right hemispheres : Anatomical and functional correlates of peripheral alexias.
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Laurent Cohen,
J.-M. Smith,
and V. Leroux-Hugon.
Paul Broca's thermometric crown.
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry,
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Stanislas Dehaene.
The neural basis of Weber-Fechner's law: Neuronal recordings reveal a logarithmic scale for number.
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Stanislas Dehaene,
Eric Artiges,
Lionel Naccache,
C. Martelli,
A. Viard,
F. Schürhoff,
C. Recasens,
M.-L. Paillère-Martinot,
M. Leboyer,
and Jean-Luc Martinot.
Conscious and subliminal conflicts in normal subjects and patients with schizophrenia: The role of the antérior cingulate.
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Stanislas Dehaene,
Manuela Piazza,
Philippe Pinel,
and Laurent Cohen.
Three parietal circuits for number processing.
Cognitive Neuropsychology,
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Stanislas Dehaene,
Claire Sergent,
and Jean-Pierre Changeux.
A neuronal network model linking subjective reports and objective physiological data during conscious perception.
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A. G. Greenwald,
R. L. Abrams,
Lionel Naccache,
and Stanislas Dehaene.
Long-term semantic memory versus contextual memory in unconscious number processing.
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Charlotte Jacquemot,
Christophe Pallier,
Denis LeBihan,
Stanislas Dehaene,
and Emmanuel Dupoux.
Phonological grammar shapes the auditory cortex: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study.
Journal of Neuroscience,
October 2003.
Abstract: |
Languages differ depending on the set of basic sounds they use (the inventory of consonants and vowels) and on the way in which these sounds can be combined to make up words and phrases (phonological grammar). Previous research has shown that our inventory of consonants and vowels affects the way in which our brains decode foreign sounds (Goto, 1971; Näätänen et al., 1997; Kuhl, 2000). Here, we show that phonological grammar has an equally potent effect. We build on previous research, which shows that stimuli that are phonologically ungrammatical are assimilated to the closest grammatical form in the language (Dupoux et al., 1999). In a cross-linguistic design using French and Japanese participants and a fast event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) paradigm, we show that phonological grammar involves the left superior temporal and the left anterior supramarginal gyri, two regions previously associated with the processing of human vocal sounds |
Cathy Lemer,
Stanislas Dehaene,
Elizabeth Spelke,
and Laurent Cohen.
Approximate quantities and exact number words: Dissociable systems.
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Bruce McCandliss,
Laurent Cohen,
and Stanislas Dehaene.
The visual word form area: Expertise for reading in the fusiform gyrus.
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Nicolas Molko,
Arnaud Cachia,
Denis Rivière,
Jean-François Mangin,
Marie Bruandet,
Denis LeBihan,
Laurent Cohen,
and Stanislas Dehaene.
Functional and structural alterations of the intraparietal sulcus in a developmental dyscalculia of genetic origin.
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Christophe Pallier,
Stanislas Dehaene,
Jean-Baptiste Poline,
Denis LeBihan,
Anne-Marie Argenti,
Emmanuel Dupoux,
and Jacques Mehler.
Brain imaging of language plasticity in adopted adults: can a second language replace the first?.
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Marcela Peña,
A. Maki,
D. Kovacic,
Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz,
F. Bouquet,
H. Koizumi,
and Jacques Mehler.
Sounds and silence: an optical topography study of language recognition at birth.
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Manuela Piazza,
E. Giacomini,
Denis LeBihan,
and Stanislas Dehaene.
Single-trial classification of parallel pre-attentive and serial attentive processes using functional magnetic resonance imaging.
Proceeding of the Royal Society Biological Sciences,
Abstract: |
Theories of perception have proposed a basic distinction between parallel pre-attentive and serial attentive modes of processing. However, chronometric measures are often ambiguous in separating parallel and serial processes. We have used the activity of attention-related regions of the human brain, measured with functional magnetic resonance imaging, to separate parallel from serial processes at the single-trial level in a visual quantification task. In this task, some have suggested the deployment of two qualitatively different processes, a fast parallel 'subitizing' for sets of one, two or three objects and a slow serial counting for larger sets. Our results indicate that attention-related regions of the posterior parietal and frontal cortices show a sudden increase in activity only from numerosity four onwards, confirming the parallel-serial dichotomy of subitizing and counting. Moreover, using the presence or absence of attentional shifts, as inferred from the activation of posterior parietal regions, we successfully predict whether, on a given trial, subjects deployed a serial exploration of the display or a parallel apprehension. Beyond the subitizing/counting debate, this approach may prove useful to probe the attentional demands of other cognitive tasks |
Marcin Szwed,
Knarik Bagdasarian,
and Ehud Ahissar.
Encoding of vibrissal active touch..
October 2003.
Abstract: |
Mammals acquire much of their sensory information by actively moving their sensory organs. Yet, the principles of encoding by active sensing are not known. Here we investigated the encoding principles of active touch by rat whiskers (vibrissae). We induced artificial whisking in anesthetized rats and recorded from first-order neurons in the trigeminal ganglion. During active touch, first-order trigeminal neurons presented a rich repertoire of responses, which could not be inferred from their responses to passive deflection stimuli. Individual neurons encoded four specific events: whisking, contact with object, pressure against object, and detachment from object. Whisking-responsive neurons fired at specific deflection angles, reporting the actual whiskers' position with high precision. Touch-responsive neurons encoded the horizontal coordinate of objects' position by spike timing. These findings suggest two specific encoding-decoding schemes for horizontal object position in the vibrissal system. |
Christophe Pallier.
Quand la seconde langue chasse la première,
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Note that this is not the exhaustive list of publications, but only a selection. Contact the individual authors for complete lists of references.
Last modified: Sat Jan 4 12:12:18 2025
Author: cp983411.
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