Publications of year 2014 |
Stanislas Dehaene.
Consciousness and the Brain: Deciphering How the Brain Codes Our Thoughts.
Viking Press,
Jean-Remi King.
Décodage des états mentaux conscients et non-conscients.
PhD Thesis,
Paris VI,
Anne Kösem.
Temps objectif et temps perçu en contexte multisensoriel.
PhD Thesis,
Paris VI,
Lynn Uhrig.
Cerebral mechanisms of general anesthesia. A hierarchy of responses to auditory regularities in the awake and anesthetized macaque brain.
PhD Thesis,
Paris VI,
C. Wacongne.
Neuronal modeling of conscious and unconscious processing of regularities.
PhD Thesis,
Paris VI,
Nicolas Zilber.
ERF and scale-free analyses of source-reconstructed MEG brain signals during a multisensory learning paradigm.
PhD Thesis,
Manuela Piazza.
Comment la culture façonne le cerveau: mécanismes neuronaux de la lecture et du calcul.
In Odile Jacob Ed, editor,Cerveau, psyché et développement,
pages 109--117.
C. Chiland et J.P. Raynaud,
I. Altarelli,
F. Leroy,
K. Monzalvo,
C. Fluss, J.and Billard,
G. Dehaene-Lambertz,
A. M. Galaburda,
and F. Ramus.
Planum temporale asymmetry in developmental dyslexia: Revisiting an old question.
Hum Brain Mapp,
K. Amunts,
M. J. Hawrylycz,
D. C. Van Essen,
J. D. Van Horn,
N. Harel,
J-B. Poline,
F. De Martino,
J. G. Bjaalie,
G. Dehaene-Lambertz,
S. Dehaene,
P. Valdes-Sosa,
B. Thirion,
K. Zilles,
S. L. Hill,
M. B. Abrams,
P. A. Tass,
W. Vanduffel,
A. C. Evans,
and S. B. Eickhoff.
Interoperable atlases of the human brain.
October 2014.
M. Andres,
C. Finocchiaro,
M. Buiatti,
and M. Piazza.
Contribution of motor representations to action verb processing.
Anahita Basirat,
Stanislas Dehaene,
and Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz.
A hierarchy of cortical responses to sequence violations in three-month-old infants.
August 2014.
[WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]
Manon J. Benders,
Kirsi Palmu,
Caroline Menache,
Cristina Borradori-Tolsa,
Francois Lazeyras,
Stephane Sizonenko,
Jessica Dubois,
Sampsa Vanhatalo,
and Petra S. Hüppi.
Early Brain Activity Relates to Subsequent Brain Growth in Premature Infants.
Cereb Cortex,
May 2014.
[WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]
Florence Bouhali,
Michel Thiebaut de Schotten,
Philippe Pinel,
Cyril Poupon,
Jean-François Mangin,
Stanislas Dehaene,
and Laurent Cohen.
Anatomical connections of the visual word form area..
J Neurosci,
November 2014.
[WWW] [Abstract]
Lucie Charles,
Jean Rémi King,
and Stanislas Dehaene.
Decoding the Dynamics of Action, Intention, and Error Detection for Conscious and Subliminal Stimuli.
The Journal of Neuroscience,
Stanislas Dehaene.
Reading in the Brain Revised and Extended: Response to Comments.
Mind & Language,
Stanislas Dehaene,
Lucie Charles,
Jean-Remi King,
and Sebastien Marti.
Toward a computational theory of conscious processing.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology,
Dror Dotan,
Naam Friedmann,
and Stanislas Dehaene.
Breaking down number syntax: Spared comprehension of multi-digit numbers in a patient with impaired digit-to-word conversion.
J. Dubois,
G. Dehaene-Lambertz,
S. Kulikova,
C. Poupon,
P. S. Hüppi,
and L. Hertz-Pannier.
The early development of brain white matter: A review of imaging studies in fetuses, newborns and infants.
December 2014.
[WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]
Jessica Dubois,
Sofya Kulikova,
Lucie Hertz-Pannier,
Jean-François Mangin,
Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz,
and Cyril Poupon.
Correction strategy for diffusion-weighted images corrupted with motion: application to the DTI evaluation of infants' white matter..
Magn Reson Imaging,
October 2014.
[WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]
Imen El Karoui,
Jean-Remi King,
Jacobo Sitt,
Florent Meyniel,
Simon Van Gaal,
Dominique Hasboun,
Claude Adam,
Vincent Navarro,
Michel Baulac,
Stanislas Dehaene,
Laurent Cohen,
and Lionel Naccache.
Event-Related Potential, Time-frequency, and Functional Connectivity Facets of Local and Global Auditory Novelty Processing: An Intracranial Study in Humans.
Cereb Cortex,
June 2014.
[WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]
Claire Kabdebon,
François Leroy,
H. Simonnet,
M. Perrot,
Jessica Dubois,
and Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz.
Anatomical correlations of the international 10-20 sensor placement system in infants.
[WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]
J-R. King and S. Dehaene.
Characterizing the dynamics of mental representations: the temporal generalization method.
Trends Cogn Sci,
March 2014.
[WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]
J-R. King and S. Dehaene.
A model of subjective report and objective discrimination as categorical decisions in a vast representational space.
Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci,
[WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]
Jean-Rémi King,
Alexandre Gramfort,
Aaron Schurger,
Lionel Naccache,
and Stanislas Dehaene.
Two distinct dynamic modes subtend the detection of unexpected sounds.
PLoS One,
[WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]
André Knops,
Stanislas Dehaene,
Ilaria Berteletti,
and Marco Zorzi.
Can approximate mental calculation account for operational momentum in addition and subtraction?.
Q J Exp Psychol (Hove),
February 2014.
[WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]
André Knops,
Manuela Piazza,
Rakesh Sengupta,
Evelyn Eger,
and David Melcher.
A shared, flexible neural map architecture reflects capacity limits in both visual short-term memory and enumeration.
J Neurosci,
July 2014.
[WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]
R Kolinsky,
J Morais,
L Cohen,
G Dehaene-Lambertz,
and S Dehaene.
L influence de l apprentissage du langage ecrit sur les aires du langage / The impact of literacy on the language brain areas.
Rev Neuropsy,
S. Kulikova,
L. Hertz-Pannier,
G. Dehaene-Lambertz,
A. Buzmakov,
C. Poupon,
and J. Dubois.
Multi-parametric evaluation of the white matter maturation..
Brain Struct Funct,
September 2014.
[WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]
Anne Kösem,
Alexandre Gramfort,
and Virginie van Wassenhove.
Encoding of event timing in the phase of neural oscillations.
February 2014.
[WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]
Julien Lefèvre,
David Germanaud,
Jessica Dubois,
François Rousseau,
Ines de Macedo Santos,
Hugo Angleys,
Jean-François Mangin,
Petra S. Hüppi,
Nadine Girard,
and François De Guio.
Are Developmental Trajectories of Cortical Folding Comparable Between Cross-sectional Datasets of Fetuses and Preterm Newborns?.
Cereb Cortex,
[WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]
C. Lopez-Escribano and Antonio Moreno.
Neuroscience and education:developmental study of a hemispherectomy case / Neurociencia y educacion: estudio evolutivo de un caso de hemisferectomia.
Infancia y Aprendizaje: Journal for the Study of Education and Development,
08 Oct,
Sébastien Marti,
Louis Thibault,
and Stanislas Dehaene.
How does the extraction of local and global auditory regularities vary with context?.
PLoS One,
[WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]
Felipe Pegado,
Enio Comerlato,
Fabricio Ventura,
Antoinette Jobert,
Kimihiro Nakamura,
Marco Buiatti,
Paulo Ventura,
Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz,
Regine Kolinsky,
Jose Morais,
Lucia W. Braga,
Laurent Cohen,
and Stanislas Dehaene.
Timing the impact of literacy on visual processing..
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A,
December 2014.
[WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]
Felipe Pegado,
Kimihiro Nakamura,
Lucia W. Braga,
Paulo Ventura,
Gilberto Nunes Filho,
Christophe Pallier,
Antoinette Jobert,
José Morais,
Laurent Cohen,
Régine Kolinsky,
and Stanislas Dehaene.
Literacy breaks mirror invariance for visual stimuli: A behavioral study with adult illiterates.
J Exp Psychol Gen,
April 2014.
[WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]
Marcela Peña,
Diana Arias,
and Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz.
Gaze Following Is Accelerated in Healthy Preterm Infants..
Psychol Sci,
August 14,
August 2014.
[WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]
Philippe Pinel,
Christophe Lalanne,
Thomas Bourgeron,
Fabien Fauchereau,
Cyril Poupon,
Eric Artiges,
Denis Le Bihan,
Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz,
and Stanislas Dehaene.
Genetic and Environmental Influences on the Visual Word Form and Fusiform Face Areas.
Cereb Cortex,
May 2014.
[WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]
Jacobo Diego Sitt,
Jean-Remi King,
Imen El Karoui,
Benjamin Rohaut,
Frederic Faugeras,
Alexandre Gramfort,
Laurent Cohen,
Mariano Sigman,
Stanislas Dehaene,
and Lionel Naccache.
Large scale screening of neural signatures of consciousness in patients in a vegetative or minimally conscious state.
June 2014.
[WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]
Marcin Szwed,
Emilie Qiao,
Antoinette Jobert,
Stanislas Dehaene,
and Laurent Cohen.
Effects of Literacy in Early Visual and Occipitotemporal Areas of Chinese and French Readers.
J Cogn Neurosci,
March 2014.
[WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]
Lynn Uhrig,
Stanislas Dehaene,
and Bechir Jarraya.
A Hierarchy of Responses to Auditory Regularities in the Macaque Brain.
The Journal of Neuroscience,
L. Uhrig,
S. Dehaene,
and B. Jarraya.
Cerebral mechanisms of general anesthesia.
Ann Fr Anesth Reanim,
February 2014.
[WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]
Simon van Gaal,
Lionel Naccache,
Julia D I. Meuwese,
Anouk M. van Loon,
Alexandra H. Leighton,
Laurent Cohen,
and Stanislas Dehaene.
Can the meaning of multiple words be integrated unconsciously?.
Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci,
May 2014.
[WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]
Virginie van Wassenhove and Lucille Lecoutre.
Duration estimation entails predicting when..
November 2014.
[WWW] [Abstract]
Arnaud Viarouge,
Edward M. Hubbard,
and Stanislas Dehaene.
The Organization of Spatial Reference Frames Involved in the SNARC Effect.
Q J Exp Psychol (Hove),
February 2014.
[WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]
N. Zilber,
P. Ciuciu,
A. Gramfort,
L. Azizi,
and V. van Wassenhove.
Supramodal processing optimizes visual perceptual learning and plasticity.
Marie Amalric,
Manuela Piazza,
Alexis Amadon,
Bertrand Thirion,
and Stanislas Dehaene.
High-level expertise for mathematical concepts recycles lateral occipito-temporal and parietal regions for number processing.
In Conference: Society for Neuroscience,
Valentina. Borghesani,
F. Pedregosa,
Evelyn Eger,
M. Buiatti,
and Manuela Piazza.
A perceptual-to-conceptual gradient of word coding along the ventral path.
In 4th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in NeuroImaging,
Evelyn Eger and B. Thirion.
Le décodage cérébral: exemple de la vision,
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Note that this is not the exhaustive list of publications, but only a selection. Contact the individual authors for complete lists of references.
Last modified: Sat Jan 4 12:12:18 2025
Author: cp983411.
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