Selected publications of Antonio Moreno
Articles in journals
  1. Caroline Le Ster, Antonio Moreno, Franck Mauconduit, Vincent Gras, Ruediger Stirnberg, Benedikt A Poser, Alexandre Vignaud, Evelyn Eger, Stanislas Dehaene, Florent Meyniel, and others. Comparison of SMS-EPI and 3D-EPI at 7T in an fMRI localizer study with matched spatiotemporal resolution and homogenized excitation profiles. Plos one, 14(11):e0225286, 2019. [WWW]

  2. Antonio Moreno, Fanny Limousin, Stanislas Dehaene, and Christophe Pallier. Brain correlates of constituent structure in sign language comprehension. Neuroimage, 167:151--161, 2017. [PDF] [Abstract]

  3. Dimitri Papadopoulos Orfanos, Vincent Michel, Yannick Schwartz, Philippe Pinel, Antonio Moreno, Denis Le Bihan, and Vincent Frouin. The brainomics/localizer database. NeuroImage, 144:309--314, 2017.

  4. Z. Y. Sun, P. Pinel, D. Rivière, A. Moreno, S. Dehaene, and J-F. Mangin. Linking morphological and functional variability in hand movement and silent reading. Brain Struct Funct, 221(7):3361--3371, September 2016. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  5. C. Lopez-Escribano and Antonio Moreno. Neuroscience and education:developmental study of a hemispherectomy case / Neurociencia y educacion: estudio evolutivo de un caso de hemisferectomia. Infancia y Aprendizaje: Journal for the Study of Education and Development, 08 Oct, 2014. [PDF]

  6. Edith Le Floch, Vincent Guillemot, Vincent Frouin, Philippe Pinel, Christophe Lalanne, Laura Trinchera, Arthur Tenenhaus, Antonio Moreno, Monica Zilbovicius, Thomas Bourgeron, Stanislas Dehaene, Bertrand Thirion, Jean-Baptiste Poline, and Edouard Duchesnay. Significant correlation between a set of genetic polymorphisms and a functional brain network revealed by feature selection and sparse Partial Least Squares. NeuroImage, 63:11--24, 2012. [PDF]

  7. Philippe Pinel, Fabien Fauchereau, Antonio Moreno, Alexis Barbot, Mark Lathrop, Diana Zelenika, Denis Le Bihan, Jean-Baptiste Poline, Thomas Bourgeron, and Stanislas Dehaene. Genetic Variants of FOXP2 and KIAA0319/TTRAP/THEM2 Locus Are Associated with Altered Brain Activation in Distinct Language-Related Regions.. J Neurosci, 32(3):817--825, January 2012. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]



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Note that this is not the exhaustive list of publications, but only a selection. Contact the individual authors for complete lists of references.

Last modified: Sat Jan 4 12:12:18 2025
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