Publications of year 2017 |
Parvaneh Adibpour.
Etude en imagerie multi-modale des corrélations anatomo-fonctionnelles au cours du développement.
PhD Thesis,
M. Amalric.
Study of the brain mechanisms involved in the learning and processing of high-level mathematical concepts Etude par imagerie cérébrale des mécanismes d'apprentissage de structures abstraites: Mise à l'épreuve expérimentale de l'hypothèse du cerveau Bayésien.
PhD Thesis,
Valentina Borghesani.
The neuro-cognitive representation of word meaning resolved in space and TIME.
PhD Thesis,
Paris VI and Università di Trento,
[WWW] [PDF] [bibtex-entry]
Murielle Fabre.
La phrase en tant qu'objet cognitif: bases neurales de la complexité syntaxique du chinois et du français.
PhD Thesis,
[WWW] [PDF] [bibtex-entry]
L. Grabot.
La conscience du présent : mécanismes cérébraux Cerebral mechanisms of the consciousness of 'now'.
PhD Thesis,
Benoît Martin.
Magnitudes in the Human brain: Time, Space, Number.
PhD Thesis,
Martin Perez-Guevara.
Neural bases of variable binding in symbolic representations.
PhD Thesis,
Université Paris 5,
[WWW] [PDF] [bibtex-entry]
Pedro Pinheiro-Chagas.
The development of the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying mental calculations.
PhD Thesis,
[WWW] [bibtex-entry]
Marie Amalric,
Liping Wang,
Pierre Pica,
Santiago Figueira,
Mariano Sigman,
and Stanislas Dehaene.
The language of geometry: Fast comprehension of geometrical primitives and rules in human adults and preschoolers.
PLoS Comput Biol.,
Jan; 13(1): e1005273,
[WWW] [PDF] [bibtex-entry]
S. Amalric, M.and Dehaene.
Cortical circuits for mathematical knowledge: evidence for a major subdivision within the brain's semantic networks..
Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci.,
Feb 19;373(1740):pii: 20160515.,
Lucie Berkovitch,
Stanislas Dehaene,
and Raphael Gaillard.
Disruption of Conscious Access in Schizophrenia.
[PDF] [bibtex-entry]
Lucia W Braga,
Eduardo Amemiya,
Alexandre Tauil,
Denis Suguieda,
Carolina Lacerda,
Elise Klein,
Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz,
and Stanislas Dehaene.
Tracking Adult Literacy Acquisition With Functional MRI: A Single-Case Study.
Mind, Brain, and Education,
Arnaud Cachia,
Nicola Del Maschio,
Grégoire Borst,
P.A. Pasquale Anthony Della Rosa,
Christophe Pallier,
Albert Costa,
Olivier Houdé,
and Jubin Abutalebi.
Anterior Cingulate Cortex Sulcation and Its Differential Effects on Conflict Monitoring in Bilinguals and Monolinguals.
Brain and Language,
Abstract: |
The role of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) in modulating the effect of bilingual experience on cognitive control has been reported at both functional and structural neural levels. Individual differences in the ACC sulcal patterns have been recently correlated with cognitive control efficiency in monolinguals. We aimed to investigate whether differences of ACC sulcation mediate the effect of bilingualism on cognitive control efficiency. We contrasted the performance of bilinguals and monolinguals during a cognitive control task (i.e., the Flanker Task) using a stratification based on the participants' ACC sulcal features. We found that performance of the two groups was differentially affected by ACC sulcation. Our findings provide the first evidence that early neurodevelopmental mechanisms may modulate the effect of different environmental backgrounds - here, bilingual vs monolingual experience - on cognitive efficiency. |
A. Cachia,
M. RCac,
J-F. Mangin,
Z. Y. Sun,
A. Jobert,
L. Braga,
Houde O,
Dehaene S,
and Borst G.
How interindividual differences in brain anatomy shape reading accuracy.
Brain Struct Funct,
September 2017.
M.D. de Hevia,
E. Castaldi,
A. Streri,
E. Eger,
and V Izard.
Perceiving numerosity from birth.
Behavioral and Brain Science,
Stanislas Dehaene,
Hawkan Lau,
and Sid Kouider.
What is consciousness, and could machines have it?.
[PDF] [bibtex-entry]
Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz.
The human infant brain: A neural architecture able to learn language.
Psychonomic bulletin & review,
[PDF] [bibtex-entry]
Ludovic Ferrand,
Alain Méot,
Elisa Spinelli,
Boris New,
Christophe Pallier,
Pascal Bonin,
Stéphane Dufau,
Sebastian Mathôt,
and Jonathan Grainger.
MEGALEX: A Megastudy of Visual and Auditory Word Recognition.
Behaviour Research Methods,
Abstract: |
Using the megastudy approach, we report a new database (MEGALEX) of visual and auditory lexical decision times and accuracy rates for tens of thousands of words. We collected visual lexical decision data for 28,466 French words and the same number of pseudowords, and auditory lexical decision data for 17,876 French words and the same number of pseudowords (synthesized tokens were used for the auditory modality). This constitutes the first large-scale database for auditory lexical decision, and the first database to enable a direct comparison of word recognition in different modalities. Different regression analyses were conducted to illustrate potential ways to exploit this megastudy database. First, we compared the proportions of variance accounted for by five word frequency measures. Second, we conducted item-level regression analyses to examine the relative importance of the lexical variables influencing performance in the different modalities (visual and auditory). Finally, we compared the similarities and differences between the two modalities. All data are freely available on our website ( and are searchable at, inside the Open Lexique search engine. |
Laetitia Grabot,
Anne Kösem,
Leila Azizi,
and Virginie van Wassenhove.
Prestimulus Alpha Oscillations and the Temporal Sequencing of Audio-visual Events.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience,
[PDF] [bibtex-entry]
Laetitia Grabot and Virginie van Wassenhove.
Time Order as Psychological Bias.
Psychological Science,
[PDF] [bibtex-entry]
Yann Le Guen,
Guillaume Auzias,
François Leroy,
Marion Noulhiane,
Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz,
Edouard Duchesnay,
Jean-François Mangin,
Olivier Coulon,
and Vincent Frouin.
Genetic Influence on the Sulcal Pits: On the Origin of the First Cortical Folds.
Cerebral Cortex,
pp 1--12,
[PDF] [bibtex-entry]
S. Hotier,
F. Leroy,
J. Boisgontier,
C. Laidi,
J.-F. Mangin,
R. Delorme,
F. Bolognani,
C. Czech,
C. Bouquet,
E. Toledano,
M. Bouvard,
J. Petit,
M. Mishchenko,
M.-A. d'Albis,
D. Gras,
A. Gaman,
I. Scheid,
M. Leboyer,
T. Zalla,
and J. Houenou.
Social cognition in autism is associated with the neurodevelopment of the posterior superior temporal sulcus.
Acta Psychatrica Scandinavica,
A Kaminska,
V Delattre,
J Laschet,
J Dubois,
M Labidurie,
A Duval,
A Manresa,
J-F Magny,
S Hovhannisyan,
M Mokhtari,
and others.
Cortical auditory-evoked responses in preterm neonates: revisited by spectral and temporal analyses.
Cerebral Cortex,
[PDF] [bibtex-entry]
Germain Lefebvre,
Mael Lebreton,
Florent Meyniel,
Sacha Bourgeois-Gironde,
and Stefano Palminteri.
Behavioral and neural characterization of optimistic reinforcement learning.
Nature Human Behavior,
[WWW] [PDF] [bibtex-entry]
Mahdi Mahmoudzadeh,
Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz,
and Fabrice Wallois.
Electrophysiological and hemodynamic mismatch responses in rats listening to human speech syllables.
PloS one,
[PDF] [bibtex-entry]
S. Marti and S. Dehaene.
Discrete and continuous mechanisms of temporal selection in rapid visual streams.
Nature Communication,
[PDF] [bibtex-entry]
Benoît Martin,
Martin Wiener,
and Virginie van Wassenhove.
A Bayesian Perspective on Accumulation in the Magnitude System.
Scientific Reports,
[PDF] [bibtex-entry]
F. Meyniel and Stanislas Dehaene.
Brain networks for confidence weighting and hierarchical inference during probabilistic learning.
[WWW] [PDF] [bibtex-entry]
Valeria Mongelli,
Stanislas Dehaene,
Fabien Vinckier,
Isabelle Peretz,
Paolo Bartolomeo,
and Laurent Cohen.
Music and words in the visual cortex: The impact of musical expertise.
pp 260--274,
[WWW] [PDF] [bibtex-entry]
Antonio Moreno,
Fanny Limousin,
Stanislas Dehaene,
and Christophe Pallier.
Brain correlates of constituent structure in sign language comprehension.
Abstract: |
During sentence processing, areas of the left superior temporal sulcus, inferior frontal gyrus and left basal ganglia exhibit a systematic increase in brain activity as a function of constituent size, suggesting their involvement in the computation of syntactic and semantic structures. Here, we asked whether these areas play a universal role in language and therefore contribute to the processing of non-spoken sign language. Congenitally deaf adults who acquired French sign language as a first language and written French as a second language were scanned while watching sequences of signs in which the size of syntactic constituents was manipulated. An effect of constituent size was found in the basal ganglia, including the head of the caudate and the putamen. A smaller effect was also detected in temporal and frontal regions previously shown to be sensitive to constituent size in written language in hearing French subjects (Pallier et al., 2011). When the deaf participants read sentences versus word lists, the same network of language areas was observed. While reading and sign language processing yielded identical effects of linguistic structure in the basal ganglia, the effect of structure was stronger in all cortical language areas for written language relative to sign language. Furthermore, cortical activity was partially modulated by age of acquisition and reading proficiency. Our results stress the important role of the basal ganglia, within the language network, in the representation of the constituent structure of language, regardless of the input modality. |
Matthew J. Nelson,
Imen El Karoui,
Kristof Giber,
Xiaofang Yang,
Laurent Cohen,
Hilda Koopman,
Sydney S. Cash,
Lionel Naccache,
John T. Hale,
Christophe Pallier,
and Stanislas Dehaene.
Neurophysiological dynamics of phrase-structure building during sentence processing.
Proceedins of the National Academy of Sciences, USA,
[WWW] [PDF] [bibtex-entry]
Dimitri Papadopoulos Orfanos,
Vincent Michel,
Yannick Schwartz,
Philippe Pinel,
Antonio Moreno,
Denis Le Bihan,
and Vincent Frouin.
The brainomics/localizer database.
Chotiga Pattamadilok,
Valérie Chanoine,
Christophe Pallier,
Jean-Luc Anton,
Bruno Nazarian,
Pascal Belin,
and Jo Ziegler.
Automaticity of Phonological and Semantic Processing during Visual Word Recognition.
Abstract: |
Reading involves activation of phonological and semantic knowledge. Yet, the automaticity of the activation of these representations remains subject to debate. The present study addressed this issue by examining how different brain areas involved in language processing responded to a manipulation of bottom-up (level of visibility) and top-down information (task demands) applied to written words. The analyses showed that the same brain areas were activated in response to written words whether the task was symbol detection, rime detection, or semantic judgment. This network included posterior, temporal and prefrontal regions, which clearly suggests the involvement of orthographic, semantic and phonological/articulatory processing in all tasks. However, we also found interactions between task and stimulus visibility, which reflected the fact that the strength of the neural responses to written words in several high-level language areas varied across tasks. Together, our findings suggest that the involvement of phonological and semantic processing in reading is supported by two complementary mechanisms. First, an automatic mechanism that results from a taskindependent spread of activation throughout a network in which orthography is linked to phonology and semantics. Second, a mechanism that further fine-tunes the sensitivity of high-level language areas to the sensory input in a task-dependent manner. |
Pedro Pinheiro-Chagas,
Dror Dotan,
Manuela Piazza,
and Stanislas Dehaene.
Finger tracking reveals the covert stages of mental arithmetic.
Open Mind: Discoveries in Cognitive Science,
[WWW] [PDF] [bibtex-entry]
Piergiorgio Salvan,
J Donald Tournier,
Dafnis Batalle,
Shona Falconer,
Andrew Chew,
Nigel Kennea,
Paul Aljabar,
Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz,
Tomoki Arichi,
A David Edwards,
and others.
Language ability in preterm children is associated with arcuate fasciculi microstructure at term.
Human brain mapping,
[PDF] [bibtex-entry]
Aaron Schurger,
Nathan Faivre,
Leila Cammoun,
Bianca Trovo,
and Olaf Blanke.
Entrainment of Voluntary Movement to Undetected Auditory Regularities.
Scientific Reports,
October 2017.
Abstract: |
In physics â??entrainmentâ?? refers to the synchronization of two coupled oscillators with similar fundamental frequencies. In behavioral science, entrainment refers to the tendency of humans to synchronize their movements with rhythmic stimuli. Here, we asked whether human subjects performing a tapping task would entrain their tapping to an undetected auditory rhythm surreptitiously introduced in the guise of ambient background noise in the room. Subjects performed two different tasks, one in which they tapped their finger at a steady rate of their own choosing and one in which they performed a single abrupt finger tap on each trial after a delay of their own choosing. In both cases we found that subjects tended to tap in phase with the inducing modulation, with some variability in the preferred phase across subjects, consistent with prior research. In the repetitive tapping task, if the frequency of the inducing stimulus was far from the subjectâ??s own self-paced frequency, then entrainment was abolished, consistent with the properties of entrainment in physics. Thus, undetected ambient noise can influence self-generated movements. This suggests that uncued decisions to act are never completely endogenous, but are subject to subtle unnoticed influences from the sensory environment. |
Elodie Doger de Speville,
Charlotte Robert,
Martin Perez-Guevara,
Antoine Grigis,
Stephanie Bolle,
Clemence Pinaud,
Christelle Dufour,
Anne Beaudré,
Virginie Kieffer,
Audrey Longaud,
Jacques Grill,
Dominique Valteau-Couanet,
Eric Deutsch,
Dimitri Lefkopoulos,
Catherine Chiron,
Lucie Hertz-Pannier,
and Marion Noulhiane.
Relationships between Regional Radiation Doses and Cognitive Decline in Children Treated with Cranio-Spinal Irradiation for Posterior Fossa Tumors.
Frontiers in Oncology,
August 2017.
[WWW] [bibtex-entry]
Pablo Tano,
Florent Meyniel,
Mariano Sigman,
and Alejo Salles.
Variability in prior expectations explains biases in confidence reports.
pp 127399,
Tom Dupré la Tour,
Lucille Tallot,
Laetitia Grabot,
Valérie Doyère,
Virginie van Wassenhove,
Yves Grenier,
and Alexandre Gramfort.
Non-linear auto-regressive models for cross-frequency coupling in neural time series.
Plos Computational Biology,
[WWW] [bibtex-entry]
Darinka Trübutschek,
Sébastien Marti,
Andrés Ojeda,
Jean-Rémi King,
Yuanyuan Mi,
Misha Tsodyks,
and Stanislas Dehaene.
A theory of working memory without consciousness or sustained activity.
[WWW] [PDF] [bibtex-entry]
Virginie van Wassenhove.
Time Consciousness in a Computational Mind/Brain.
Journal of Consciousness Studies,
24(3-4), 177-202,
V. van Wassenhove.
Defining moments for conscious time and content.
PsyCh Journal,
Laetitia Grabot and Marie Amalric.
Bloqués... à NeuroSpin,
[WWW] [bibtex-entry]
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Note that this is not the exhaustive list of publications, but only a selection. Contact the individual authors for complete lists of references.
Last modified: Sat Jan 4 12:12:18 2025
Author: cp983411.
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