Selected publications of Elisa Castaldi
Articles in journals
  1. Elisa Castaldi, Marco Turi, Guido Marco Cicchini, Sahawanatou Gassama, and Evelyn Eger. Reduced 2D form coherence and 3D structure from motion sensitivity in developmental dyscalculia. Neuropsychologia, 166:108140, 2022. [WWW]

  2. Elisa Castaldi, Manuela Piazza, and Evelyn Eger. Resources Underlying Visuo-Spatial Working Memory Enable Veridical Large Numerosity Perception. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 15:751098, 2021. [WWW]

  3. Elisa Castaldi, Marco Turi, Sahawanatou Gassama, Manuela Piazza, and Evelyn Eger. Excessive visual crowding effects in developmental dyscalculia. Journal of Vision, August 2020, Vol.20, 7, 2020. [WWW] [PDF]

  4. Elisa Castaldi, Alexandre Vignaud, and Evelyn Eger. Mapping subcomponents of numerical cognition in relation to functional and anatomical landmarks of human parietal cortex. NeuroImage, 221:117210, 2020. [PDF]

  5. Elisa Castaldi, Manuela Piazza, Stanislas Dehaene, Alexandre Vignaud, and Evelyn Eger. Attentional amplification of neural codes for number independent of other quantities along the dorsal visual stream. eLife, 8, 2019. [WWW] [PDF]

  6. Elisa Castaldi, Alexandre Vignaud, and Evelyn Eger. Mapping numerical perception and operations in relation to functional and anatomical landmarks of human parietal cortex. bioRxiv, pp 602599, 2019.

  7. Elisa Castaldi, Anne Mirassou, Stanislas Dehaene, Manuela Piazza, and Evelyn Eger. Asymmetrical interference between number and item size perception provides evidence for a domain specific impairment in dyscalculia. PloS one, 13(12):e0209256, 2018. [WWW]

  8. M.D. de Hevia, E. Castaldi, A. Streri, E. Eger, and V Izard. Perceiving numerosity from birth. Behavioral and Brain Science, 40(e169), 2017.



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Note that this is not the exhaustive list of publications, but only a selection. Contact the individual authors for complete lists of references.

Last modified: Sat Jan 4 12:12:18 2025
Author: cp983411.

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