Publications of year 1993
  1. Stanislas Dehaene. Numerical Cognition. Oxford, Blackwell edition, 1993. [bibtex-entry]

Articles in journals
  1. Laurent Cohen, N. Benoit, P. van Eeckhout, B. Ducarne, and P. Brunet. Pure progressive aphemia. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 56:923--924, 1993. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Laurent Cohen, L. Bélec, and J.-M. Léger. Syndromes paranéoplasiques multiples: encéphalite limbique, neuropathie périphérique et syndrome de Schnitzler au cours d'une association macroglobulinémie de Waldenström- carcinome épidermoïde pulmonaire. Annales de Médecine Interne, 144:214--216, 1993. [bibtex-entry]

  3. Laurent Cohen, C. Gény, O. Hermine, F. Gray, and J. D. Degos. Crossed aphasia with visceral situs inversus. Annals of Neurology, 33:215--218, 1993. [bibtex-entry]

  4. Stanislas Dehaene. Temporal oscillations in human perception. ps, 4:264--270, 1993. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  5. Stanislas Dehaene, S. Bossini, and P. Giraux. The mental representation of parity and numerical magnitude. jepgen, 122:371--396, 1993. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  6. Stanislas Dehaene and Jean-Pierre Changeux. Development of elementary numerical abilities: A neuronal model. jcn, 5:390--407, 1993. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  7. A. D. Friederici and J. M. Wessels. Phonotactic knowledge of word boundaries and its use in infant speech perception.. Percept Psychophys, 54(3):287--295, September 1993.
    Abstract: The development of a lexicon critically depends on the infant's ability to identify wordlike units in the auditory speech input. The present study investigated at what age infants become sensitive to language-specific phonotactic features that signal word boundaries and to what extent they are able to use this knowledge to segment speech input. Experiment 1 showed that infants at the age of 9 months were sensitive to the phonotactic structure of word boundaries when word-like units were presented in isolation. Experiments 2 to 5 demonstrated that this sensitivity was present even when critical items were presented in context, although only under certain conditions. Preferences for legal over illegal word boundary clusters were found when critical items were embedded in two identical syllables, keeping language processing requirements and attentional requirements low. Experiment 6 replicated the findings of Experiment 1. Experiment 7 was a low-pass-filtered version of Experiment 6 that left the prosody of the stimulus items intact while removing most of the distinctive phonotactic cues. As expected, no listening preference for legal over illegal word boundary clusters was found in this experiment. This clearly suggests that the preferential patterns observed can be attributed to the infants' sensitivity to phonotactic constraints on word boundaries in a given language and not to suprasegmental cues.

  8. J.-M. Léger, M. Levasseur, J. C. Baron, Laurent Cohen, J. L. Signoret, and P. Brunet. Slowly progressive aphasia. Neurology, 43:1858--1859, 1993. [bibtex-entry]

  9. Bernard Mazoyer, Stanislas Dehaene, Nathalie Tzourio, N. Murayama, Laurent Cohen, O. Levrier, G. Salamon, André Syrota, and Jacques Mehler. The cortical representation of speech. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 5:467--479, 1993. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  10. Jacques Mehler, Nuria Sebastian-Gallés, Gerry Altmann, Emmanuel Dupoux, Anne Christophe, and Christophe Pallier. Understanding compressed sentences: the role of rhythm and meaning. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 682:272-282, 1993.
    Note: Title: Temporal information processing in the nervous system: Special reference to dyslexia and dysphasia. Editors: Paula Tallal, Albert M. Galaburda, Rodolfo R. Llinas, Curt von Euler. [bibtex-entry]

  11. Christophe Pallier, Nuria Sebastian-Gallés, Téo Felguera, Anne Christophe, and Jacques Mehler. Attentional allocation within the syllabic structure of spoken words. jml, 32:373-389, 1993. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  12. B. Tavitian, Sabina Pappata, S. Bonnot-Lours, C. Prenant, Antoinette Jobert, C. Crouzel, and L. Di Giamberardino. Positron emission tomography study of [11C]methyl-tetrahydroaminoacridine (methyl-tacrine) in baboon brain. European Journal of Pharmacology, 236:229--238, 1993. [bibtex-entry]

  13. B. Tavitian, Sabina Pappata, A. Planas, Antoinette Jobert, S. Bonnot-Lours, C. Crouzel, and L. Di Giamberardino. In vivo visualization of acetylcholinesterase with positron emission tomography. NeuroReport, 4:535--538, 1993. [bibtex-entry]

  14. Patrick Verstichel, J. Servan, and Laurent Cohen. Atrophie cérébelleuse croisée: Evolution neuro-radiologique. rn, 149:491--493, 1993. [bibtex-entry]

  1. Stanislas Dehaene. Les chemins du nombre (revue de livre). L'année Psychologique, 1993. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]



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Note that this is not the exhaustive list of publications, but only a selection. Contact the individual authors for complete lists of references.

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