Publications of year 2001
  1. Stanislas Dehaene. The cognitive neuroscience of consciousness. The MIT Press, Londres, Angleterre, 2001 edition, 2001. [bibtex-entry]

  1. Philippe Pinel. Identification et modulation paramétrique des réseaux cérébraux impliqués dans l'arithmétique mentale. Etude en Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique Fonctionnelle et Potentiels Evoqués. Thesis/Dissertation, 2001. [WWW] [bibtex-entry]

Book chapters
  1. Stanislas Dehaene. The cognitive neuroscience of numeracy: Exploring the cerebral substrates, the development, and the pathologies of number sense. In Susan M. Fitzpatrick and John T. Bruer, editors,Carving our destiny: scientific research faces a new millenium, pages 41--76. 2001. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  2. Stanislas Dehaene. Les bases cérébrales de l'intuition numérique.. In Université de Tous les Savoirs, vol. 4. Qu?est-ce que l Univers?. Odile Jacob, 2001. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  3. Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz, Jacques Mehler, and Marcella Peña. Cerebral bases of language acquisition. In A. F. Kalverboer and A. Gramsbergen, editors,Brain and behaviour in human development, pages 939--966. Kluwer, 2001. [bibtex-entry]

Articles in journals
  1. Alexandre Andrade, Ferath Kherif, Jean-François Mangin, Keith Worsley, Anne-Lise Paradis, Olivier Simon, Stanislas Dehaene, Denis LeBihan, and Jean-Baptiste Poline. Detection of fMRI activation using cortical surface mapping. hbm, 12:79--93, 2001. [bibtex-entry]

  2. G. Blomqvist, B. Tavitian, Sabina Pappata, C. Crouzel, Antoinette Jobert, I. Doignon, and Luigi DiGiamberardino. Quantitative measurement of cerebral acetylcholinesterase using C Physostigmine and positron emission tomography. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 21:114--131, 2001. [bibtex-entry]

  3. Laurent Cohen and Stanislas Dehaene. Occam's razor is not a swiss-Army knife: a reply to Pillon and Pesenti. cn, 18:285--288, 2001. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  4. Albert Costa, Nuria Sebastian-Gallés, Christophe Pallier, and Angels Colomé. El desarrollo temporal de la codificatión fonológica: un procesamiento estrictamente serial?. Cognitiva, 13(1):3--34, 2001. [bibtex-entry]

  5. Stanislas Dehaene. Précis of the number sense. ml, 16:16--36, 2001. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  6. Stanislas Dehaene. Substracting pigeons : Logarithmic or linear ?. Psychological Science, 12:244--246, 2001. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  7. Stanislas Dehaene and Lionel Naccache. Towards a cognitive neuroscience of consciousness: Basic evidence and a workspace framework. Cognition, 79:1--37, 2001. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  8. Stanislas Dehaene. Author's response: Is Number sense a patchwork?. Mind and Language, 16:89--100, 2001. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  9. Stanislas Dehaene, Lionel Naccache, Laurent Cohen, Denis LeBihan, J. F. Mangin, Jean-Baptiste Poline, and D. Rivière. Cerebral mechanisms of word masking and unconscious repetition priming. nn, 4:752--758, 2001. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  10. Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz and Marcela Peña. Electrophysiological evidence for automatic phonetic processing in neonates. NeuroReport, 12:3155--3158, 2001. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  11. Emmanuel Dupoux, Christophe Pallier, Kazuhiko Kakehi, and Jacques Mehler. New Evidence for Prelexical Phonological Processing in Word Recognition. lcp, 5(16):491--505, 2001. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  12. C. D. Gilbert, M. Sigman, and R. E. Crist. The neural basis of perceptual learning. Neuron, 31(5):681--97, September 2001. [PDF]
    Abstract: Perceptual learning is a lifelong process. We begin by encoding information about the basic structure of the natural world and continue to assimilate information about specific patterns with which we become familiar. The specificity of the learning suggests that all areas of the cerebral cortex are plastic and can represent various aspects of learned information. The neural substrate of perceptual learning relates to the nature of the neural code itself, including changes in cortical maps, in the temporal characteristics of neuronal responses, and in modulation of contextual influences. Top-down control of these representations suggests that learning involves an interaction between multiple cortical areas

  13. Nicolas Molko, Sabina Pappata, Jean-François Mangin, Cyril Poupon, K. Vahedi, Antoinette Jobert, Denis LeBihan, M.-D. Bousser, and Hughes Chabriat. Diffusion tensor imaging study of subcortical gray matter in CADASIL. Stroke, 32:2049--2054, 2001. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  14. Lionel Naccache and Stanislas Dehaene. The priming method : imaging unconscious repetition priming reveals an abstract representation of number in the parietal lobes. Cerebral Cortex, 11:966--974, 2001. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  15. Lionel Naccache and Stanislas Dehaene. Unconscious semantic priming extends to novel unseen stimuli. Cognition, 80:215--229, 2001. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  16. Boris New, Christophe Pallier, Ludovic Ferrand, and Rafael Matos. Une base de données lexicales du français contemporain sur Internet : LEXIQUE. ap, 101:447--462, 2001. [WWW] [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  17. Christophe Pallier, Angels Colomé, and Nuria Sebastian-Gallés. The influence of native-language phonology on lexical access: Concrete exemplar-based vs. abstract lexical entries. ps, 12(6):445--449, 2001. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  18. Philippe Pinel, Stanislas Dehaene, D. Rivière, and Denis LeBihan. Modulation of parietal activation by semantic distance in a number comparison task. ni, 14:1013--1026, 2001. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  19. M. Sigman, G. A. Cecchi, C. D. Gilbert, and M. O. Magnasco. On a common circle: natural scenes and Gestalt rules. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 98(4):1935--40, February 2001. [WWW] [PDF]
    Abstract: To understand how the human visual system analyzes images, it is essential to know the structure of the visual environment. In particular, natural images display consistent statistical properties that distinguish them from random luminance distributions. We have studied the geometric regularities of oriented elements (edges or line segments) present in an ensemble of visual scenes, asking how much information the presence of a segment in a particular location of the visual scene carries about the presence of a second segment at different relative positions and orientations. We observed strong long-range correlations in the distribution of oriented segments that extend over the whole visual field. We further show that a very simple geometric rule, cocircularity, predicts the arrangement of segments in natural scenes, and that different geometrical arrangements show relevant differences in their scaling properties. Our results show similarities to geometric features of previous physiological and psychophysical studies. We discuss the implications of these findings for theories of early vision

  1. Stanislas Dehaene. Qu'est-ce qu'un nombre?, 2001. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  2. Christophe Pallier. Langage et Cerveau, January 2001. [WWW] [bibtex-entry]



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Note that this is not the exhaustive list of publications, but only a selection. Contact the individual authors for complete lists of references.

Last modified: Sat Jan 4 12:12:18 2025
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