Publications of year 2021
  1. Giulia Gennari. Multivariate pattern analyses of electrophysiological recordings in infants reveal the initial codes used by the human brain to represent speech, tones and numbers. PhD thesis, UPMC, 2021.

  2. Camilo Miguel Signorelli. Theoretical models and measures of conscious brain network dynamics: an integrative approach. PhD thesis, Sorbonne Université and Pompeu Fabra Universitat, 2021. [WWW]

  3. Cassandra Potier Watkins. Can technology facilitate reading acquisition, developing applications for phonics learning and dyslexia screening / La technologie peut-elle faciliter l'apprentissage de la lecture ? Développer des applications pour l'acquisition de la phonétique et le dépistage de la dyslexie?. PhD thesis, Université de Paris, 2021. [Abstract]

Articles in journals
  1. Fosca Al Roumi, Sébastien Marti, Liping Wang, Marie Amalric, and Stanislas Dehaene. Mental compression of spatial sequences in human working memory using numerical and geometrical primitives. Neuron, 109(16):2627--2639, 2021. [PDF]

  2. Manuela A Basso, Stephen Frey, Kathryn A Guerriero, Béchir Jarraya, Sabine Kastner, Kenji W Koyano, David A Leopold, K Murphy, Colline Poirier, W Pope, and others. Using non-invasive neuroimaging to enhance the care, well-being and experimental outcomes of laboratory non-human primates (monkeys). NeuroImage, 228:117667, 2021. [WWW]

  3. Marie Estelle Bellet, Marion Gay, Joachim Bellet, Bechir Jarraya, Stanislas Dehaene, Timo van Kerkoerle, and Theofanis I Panagiotaropoulos. Prefrontal neural ensembles encode an internal model of visual sequences and their violations. bioRxiv, 2021. [WWW] [PDF]

  4. Marie E Bellet, Marion Gay, Joachim Bellet, Bechir Jarraya, Stanislas Dehaene, Timo van Kerkoerle, and Theofanis I Panagiotaropoulos. Spontaneously emerging internal models of visual sequences combine abstract and event-specific information in the prefrontal cortex. bioRxiv, pp 2021--10, 2021.

  5. Lucas Benjamin, Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz, and Ana Fló. Remarks on the analysis of steady-state responses: Spurious artifacts introduced by overlapping epochs. Cortex, 142:370--378, 2021. [PDF]

  6. Lucie Berkovitch, Lucie Charles, Antoine Del Cul, Nora Hamdani, Marine Delavest, Samuel Sarrazin, Jean-François Mangin, Pamela Guevara, Ellen Ji, Marc-Antoine d'Albis, and others. Disruption of conscious access in psychosis is associated with altered structural brain connectivity. Journal of Neuroscience, 41(3):513--523, 2021. [WWW]

  7. Elisa Castaldi, Manuela Piazza, and Evelyn Eger. Resources Underlying Visuo-Spatial Working Memory Enable Veridical Large Numerosity Perception. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 15:751098, 2021. [WWW]

  8. Dawoon Choi, Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz, Marcela Peña, and Janet F Werker. Neural indicators of articulator-specific sensorimotor influences on infant speech perception. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(20), 2021. [PDF]

  9. Lorenzo Ciccione and Stanislas Dehaene. Can humans perform mental regression on a graph? Accuracy and bias in the perception of scatterplots. Cognitive Psychology, 128:101406, 2021. [WWW] [Abstract]

  10. Laurent Cohen, Philippine Salondy, Christophe Pallier, and Stanislas Dehaene. How does inattention affect written and spoken language processing?. Cortex, 2021. [WWW]

  11. Zachary W Davis, Gabriel B Benigno, Charlee Fletterman, Theo Desbordes, Christopher Steward, Terrence J Sejnowski, John H Reynolds, and Lyle Muller. Spontaneous traveling waves naturally emerge from horizontal fiber time delays and travel through locally asynchronous-irregular states. Nature Communications, 12(1):1--16, 2021. [WWW]

  12. Stanislas Dehaene, Anne Christophe, Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz, Véronique Izard, Elena Pasquinelli, and Elizabeth Spelke. L'ouverture aux mathématiques à l'école maternelle et au CP. Cons. Sci. Educ. Natl, 2021. [WWW]

  13. Milad Ekramnia, Jacques Mehler, and Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz. Disjunctive inference in preverbal infants. Iscience, 24(10), 2021. [WWW]

  14. Cedric Foucault and Florent Meyniel. Gated recurrence enables simple and accurate sequence prediction in stochastic, changing, and structured environments. Elife, 10:e71801, 2021. [WWW]

  15. Cedric Foucault and Florent Meyniel. Gated recurrence enables simple and accurate sequence prediction in stochastic, changing, and structured environments. bioRxiv, 2021. [WWW]

  16. Giulia Gennari, Sébastien Marti, Marie Palu, Ana Fló, and Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz. Orthogonal neural codes for speech in the infant brain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(31), 2021. [PDF]

  17. T Hannagan, A Agrawal, L Cohen, and S Dehaene. Simulating the emergence of the Visual Word Form Area: Recycling a convolutional neural network for reading. bioRxiv, pp 2021--02, 2021. [WWW]

  18. T Hannagan, A Agrawal, L Cohen, and S Dehaene. Emergence of a compositional neural code for written words: Recycling of a convolutional neural network for reading. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(46):e2104779118, 2021. [WWW]

  19. Benedetta Heimler, Tomer Behor, Stanislas Dehaene, Véronique Izard, and Amir Amedi. Core knowledge of geometry can develop independently of visual experience. Cognition, 212:104716, 2021. [WWW]

  20. Daniel C Hyde, Yi Mou, Ilaria Berteletti, Elizabeth S Spelke, Stanislas Dehaene, and Manuela Piazza. Testing the role of symbols in preschool numeracy: An experimental computer-based intervention study. Plos one, 16(11):e0259775, 2021. [WWW]

  21. P Christiaan Klink, Jean-François Aubry, Vincent P Ferrera, Andrew S Fox, Sean Froudist-Walsh, Bechir Jarraya, Elisa Konofagou, Richard Krauzlis, Adam Messinger, Anna S Mitchell, and others. Combining Brain Perturbation and Neuroimaging in Non-human Primates. NeuroImage, pp 118017, 2021. [WWW]

  22. Daria La Rocca, Herwig Wendt, Virginie van Wassenhove, Philippe Ciuciu, and Patrice Abry. Revisiting functional connectivity for infraslow scale-free brain dynamics using complex wavelets. Frontiers in Physiology, 11:1651, 2021. [WWW]

  23. Yair Lakretz, Theo Desbordes, Dieuwke Hupkes, and Stanislas Dehaene. Causal transformers perform below chance on recursive nested constructions, unlike humans. arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.07240, 2021.

  24. Yair Lakretz, Théo Desbordes, Jean-Rémi King, Benoît Crabbé, Maxime Oquab, and Stanislas Dehaene. Can RNNs learn Recursive Nested Subject-Verb Agreements?. arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.02258, 2021. [WWW] [PDF]

  25. Yair Lakretz, Dieuwke Hupkes, Alessandra Vergallito, Marco Marelli, Marco Baroni, and Stanislas Dehaene. Mechanisms for handling nested dependencies in neural-network language models and humans. Cognition, pp 104699, 2021. [WWW]

  26. Maxime Maheu, Florent Meyniel, and Stanislas Dehaene. Rational arbitration between statistics and rules in human sequence processing. bioRxiv, 2021.

  27. Karima Mersad, Claire Kabdebon, and Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz. Explicit access to phonetic representations in 3-month-old infants. Cognition, pp 104613, 2021. [PDF]

  28. Adam Messinger, Nikoloz Sirmpilatze, Katja Heuer, Kep Kee Loh, Rogier B Mars, Julien Sein, Ting Xu, Daniel Glen, Benjamin Jung, Jakob Seidlitz, and others. A collaborative resource platform for non-human primate neuroimaging. NeuroImage, 226:117519, 2021. [WWW]

  29. Lionel Naccache, Jean-Pierre Changeux, Theofanis I Panagiotaropoulos, and Stanislas Dehaene. Why intracranial electrical stimulation of the human brain suggests an essential role for prefrontal cortex in conscious processing: a commentary on Raccah et al.. 2021. [WWW]

  30. Ana Luìsa Pinho, Alexis Amadon, Murielle Fabre, Elvis Dohmatob, Isabelle Denghien, Juan Jesús Torre, Chantal Ginisty, Séverine Becuwe-Desmidt, Séverine Roger, Laurence Laurier, Véronique Joly-Testault, Gaëlle Médiouni-Cloarec, Christine Doublé, Bernadette Martins, Philippe Pinel, Evelyn Eger, Gaël Varoquaux, Christophe Pallier, Stanislas Dehaene, Lucie Hertz-Pannier, and Bertrand Thirion. Subject-specific segregation of functional territories based on deep phenotyping. Human brain mapping, 42(4):841--870, 2021. [WWW]

  31. Samuel Planton and Stanislas Dehaene. Cerebral representation of sequence patterns across multiple presentation formats. Cortex, 145:13-36, 2021. [WWW] [Abstract]

  32. Samuel Planton, Timo van Kerkoerle, Leïla Abbih, Maxime Maheu, Florent Meyniel, Mariano Sigman, Liping Wang, Santiago Figueira, Sergio Romano, and Stanislas Dehaene. A theory of memory for binary sequences: Evidence for a mental compression algorithm in humans. PLoS computational biology, 17(1):e1008598, 2021. [WWW]

  33. Mathias Sablé-Meyer, Joël Fagot, Serge Caparos, Timo van Kerkoerle, Marie Amalric, and Stanislas Dehaene. Sensitivity to geometric shape regularity in humans and baboons: A putative signature of human singularity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(16), 2021. [WWW]

  34. Claire Sergent, Martina Corazzol, Ghislaine Labouret, François Stockart, Mark Wexler, Jean-Rémi King, Florent Meyniel, and Daniel Pressnitzer. Bifurcation in brain dynamics reveals a signature of conscious processing independent of report. Nature Communications, 12(1):1--19, 2021. [WWW]

  35. Camilo Miguel Signorelli and Daniel Meling. Towards new concepts for a biological neuroscience of consciousness. Cognitive Neurodynamics, pp 1--22, 2021. [WWW]

  36. Camilo Miguel Signorelli, Lynn Uhrig, Morten Kringelbach, Bechir Jarraya, and Gustavo Deco. Hierarchical disruption in the cortex of anesthetized monkeys as a new signature of consciousness loss. NeuroImage, 227:117618, 2021. [WWW] [Abstract]

  37. Cassandra Potier Watkins and Stanislas Dehaene. Can a game application that boosts phonics knowledge in kindergarten advance 1st grade reading?. 2021.

  1. Y. Algan, S. Dehaene, E. Huillery, E. Pasquinelli, and F Ramus. Quels professeurs au XXIe siècle ? Rapport de synthèse du Conseil Scientifique de l'Education Nationale (CSEN)., 2021. [WWW] [PDF]



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Note that this is not the exhaustive list of publications, but only a selection. Contact the individual authors for complete lists of references.

Last modified: Tue Jun 25 12:58:58 2024
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