Publications of year 2004
Book chapters
  1. Stanislas Dehaene and Jean-Pierre Changeux. Neural mechanisms for access to consciousness. In The Cognitive Neurosciences, volume in press. Michael Gazzaniga, 3rd edition, 2004. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  2. Manuela Piazza and Stanislas Dehaene. From number neurons to mental arithmetic: the cognitive neuroscience of number sense. In The Cognitive Neurosciences, volume in press. Michael Gazzaniga, 3rd edition, 2004. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  3. Valérie Ventureyra and Christophe Pallier. In search of the lost language: The case of adopted Koreans in France. In Monica S. Schmid, Barbara Köpke, Merel Keijzer, and Lina Weilemar, editors,First Language Attrition: Interdisciplinary perspectives on methodological issues, pages 207--221. John Benjamins, Amsterdam, 2004. [bibtex-entry]

Articles in journals
  1. Francois-Xavier Alario and Laurent Cohen. Closed-class words in sentence production: evidence from a modality-specific dissociation. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 21(8):787--819, 2004. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  2. R. Bermejo, M. Szwed, W. Friedman, E. Ahissar, and H. P. Zeigler. One whisker whisking: unit recording during conditioned whisking in rats.. Somatosens Mot Res, 21(3-4):183--187, 2004. [WWW]
    Abstract: Understanding of the functional neurobiology of the rodent whisker system would be advanced by neurobehavioral studies in awake, behaving animals that combine unit recording from structures at various levels of the system with quantitative characterization of the kinematics and temporal organization of whisking. Such studies require the solution of a number of methodological problems. These include: chronic recording procedures ensuring unit isolation, stability and maximum yield, monitoring and display of unit activity and whisker movements within the same (ms) timeframe and behavioral paradigms which bring whisking movement parameters under the control of the experimenter rather than the rat. Here we describe a head-fixed rodent preparation which makes possible chronic recording of unit activity in the awake, whisking rat, combined with real-time, high resolution monitoring of whisker and pad movements in two dimensions and under behavioral control. While the head-fixed "whisking" preparation has some inherent limitations, it may be used to address a number of important neurobehavioral problems. We suggest that it should contribute significantly to understanding the functional neurobiology of the whisker system.

  3. Marie Bruandet, Nicolas Molko, Laurent Cohen, and Stanislas Dehaene. A cognitive characterization of diyscalculia in Turner syndrome. Neuropsychologia, 42:288--298, 2004. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  4. Michael W. L. Chee, Chun Siong Soon, Hwee Ling Lee, and Christophe Pallier. Left insula activation: a marker for language attainment in bilinguals. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 101(42):15265--15270, October 2004. [WWW] [PDF]
    Abstract: Several lines of evidence suggest the importance of phonological working memory (PWM) in language acquisition. We investigated the neural correlates of PWM in young adults who were under compelling social pressure to be bilingual. Equal bilinguals had high proficiency in English and Chinese as measured by a standardized examination, whereas unequal bilinguals were proficient in English but not Chinese. Both groups were matched on several measures of nonverbal intelligence and working memory. In-scanner behavioral results did not show between-group differences. Of the regions showing load-dependent increments in activation, the left insula showed greater activation in equal bilinguals. Unequal bilinguals showed greater task-related deactivation in the anterior medial frontal region and greater anterior cingulate activation. Although unequal bilinguals kept apace with equal bilinguals in the simple PWM task, the differential cortical activations suggest that more optimal engagement of PWM in the latter may correlate with better second-language attainment

  5. Anne Christophe, Sharon Peperkamp, Christophe Pallier, Eliza Block, and Jacques Mehler. Phonological phrase boundaries contrain lexical access: I Adult data. jml, 51(4):495--665, 2004. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  6. Laurent Cohen and Stanislas Dehaene. Specialization within the ventral stream: the case for the visual word form area. NeuroImage, 22:466--476, 2004. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  7. Laurent Cohen, Carole Henry, Stanislas Dehaene, Olivier Martinaud, Stéphane Lehéricy, Cathy Lemer, and Sophie Ferrieux. The pathophysiology of letter-by-letter reading. Neuropsychologia, 42:1768--1780, 2004. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  8. Laurent Cohen, Antoinette Jobert, Denis LeBihan, and Stanislas Dehaene. Distinct unimodal and multimodal regions for word processing in the left temporal cortex. Neuroimage, 23:1256--1270, 2004. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  9. Laurent Cohen, Stéphane Lehéricy, Carole Henry, Marie Bourgeois, Christine Larroque, Christian Sainte-Rose, Stanislas Dehaene, and Lucie Hertz-Pannier. Learning to read without a left occipital lobe: Right-hemispheric shift of visual word form area. Ann Neurol, 56(6):890--4, December 2004. [PDF]
    Abstract: Using anatomical and functional magnetic resonance imaging, we studied the pattern of brain lateralization during spoken and written language tasks, in an 11-year-old girl who underwent a left occipitotemporal resection for a Sturge-Weber angioma at the age of 4 years, that is, after the development of speech but before the acquisition of reading. We observed a selective and successful shift to the right hemisphere of the visual component of reading, particularly the Visual Word Form Area, whereas the verbal components remained strongly left-lateralized. This emphasizes the potential utility of a precise functional and developmental cartography of language for the surgical treatment of focal brain lesions in children. Ann Neurol 2004;56:890-894.

  10. S. Dehaene, A. Jobert, L. Naccache, P. Ciuciu, J.-B. Poline, D. Le Bihan, and L. Cohen. Letter binding and invariant recognition of masked words: behavioral and neuroimaging evidence.. Psychol Sci, 15(5):307--313, May 2004. [WWW] [PDF]
    Abstract: Fluent readers recognize visual words across changes in case and retinal location, while maintaining a high sensitivity to the arrangement of letters. To evaluate the automaticity and functional anatomy of invariant word recognition, we measured brain activity during subliminal masked priming. By preceding target words with an unrelated prime, a repeated prime, or an anagram made of the same letters, we separated letter-level and whole-word codes. By changing the case and the retinal location of primes and targets, we evaluated the invariance of those codes. Our results indicate that an invariant binding of letters into words is achieved unconsciously through a series of increasingly invariant stages in the left occipito-temporal pathway.

  11. Stanislas Dehaene, Nicolas Molko, Laurent Cohen, and Anna Juliet Wilson. Arithmetic and the brain. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 14:218--224, 2004. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  12. Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz and Teodora Gliga. Common neural basis for phoneme processing in infants and adults. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 16:1375--87, 2004. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  13. Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz, Marcela Pena, Anne Christophe, and Pierre Landrieu. Phoneme perception in a neonate with a left sylvian infarct. Brain and Language, 88:26--38, 2004. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  14. Lisa Feigenson, Stanislas Dehaene, and Elizabeth Spelke. Core systems of number. Trends Cogn Sci, 8(7):307--314, July 2004. [WWW] [PDF]
    Abstract: What representations underlie the ability to think and reason about number? Whereas certain numerical concepts, such as the real numbers, are only ever represented by a subset of human adults, other numerical abilities are widespread and can be observed in adults, infants and other animal species. We review recent behavioral and neuropsychological evidence that these ontogenetically and phylogenetically shared abilities rest on two core systems for representing number. Performance signatures common across development and across species implicate one system for representing large, approximate numerical magnitudes, and a second system for the precise representation of small numbers of individual objects. These systems account for our basic numerical intuitions, and serve as the foundation for the more sophisticated numerical concepts that are uniquely human

  15. Isabelle Klein, Jessica Dubois, Jean-François Mangin, Ferath Kherif, Guillaume Flandin, Jean-Baptiste Poline, Michel Denis, Stephen M. Kosslyn, and Denis Le Bihan. Retinotopic organization of visual mental images as revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging.. Brain Res Cogn Brain Res, 22(1):26--31, December 2004. [WWW] [PDF]
    Abstract: In this study, we used event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate whether visual mental images retinotopically activate early visual cortex. Six participants were instructed to visualize or view horizontally or vertically oriented flashing bow-tie shaped stimuli. When compared to baseline, imagery globally activated Area V1. When the activation evoked by the stimuli at the different orientations was directly compared, distinct spatial activation patterns were obtained for each orientation in most participants. Not only was the topography of the activation patterns from imagery similar to the topography obtained with a corresponding visual perception task, but it closely matched the individual cortical representation of either the horizontal or the vertical visual field meridians. These findings strongly support that visual imagery and perception share low-level anatomical substrate and functional processes. Binding of spatial features is suggested as one possible mechanism.

  16. J. Frederico Marques and Stanislas Dehaene. Developing Intuition for prices in euros : Rescaling or Relearning Prices?. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 10(3):148--155, 2004. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  17. Nicolas Molko, Arnaud Cachia, Denis Riviere, Jean-François Mangin, Marie Bruandet, Denis LeBihan, Laurent Cohen, and Stanislas Dehaene. Brain anatomy in Turner syndrome: evidence for impaired social and spatial-numerical networks. Cereb Cortex, 14(8):840--50, August 2004. [WWW] [PDF]
    Abstract: Analysis of brain structure in Turner syndrome (TS) provides the opportunity to identify the consequences of the loss of one X chromosome on brain anatomy and to characterize the neural bases underlying the specific cognitive profile of TS subjects which includes deficits in spatial-numerical processing and social cognition. Fourteen subjects with TS and fourteen controls were investigated using voxel-based analysis of high resolution anatomical and diffusion tensor images and using sulcal morphometry. The analysis of anatomical images provided evidence for macroscopical changes in cortical regions involved in social cognition such as the left superior temporal sulcus and orbito-frontal cortex and in a region involved in spatial and numerical cognition such as the right intraparietal sulcus. Diffusion tensor images showed a displacement of the grey-white matter interface of the left and right superior temporal sulcus and revealed bilateral microstructural anomalies in the temporal white matter. The analysis of fiber orientation suggests specific alterations of fiber tracts connecting posterior to anterior temporal regions. Last, sulcal morphometry confirmed the anomalies of the left and right superior temporal sulci and of the right intraparietal sulcus. Our results thus provide converging evidence of regionally specific structural changes in TS that are highly consistent with the hallmark symptoms associated with TS

  18. Nicolas Molko, Anna Juliet Wilson, and Stanislas Dehaene. Dyscalculie, le sens perdu des nombres. La Recherche, October 2004. [WWW] [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  19. Lionel Naccache. Les bases cérébrales de la conscience phénoménale visuelle : une approche neurologique.. Revue Neurologique, 160:395--400, 2004. [bibtex-entry]

  20. Boris New, Christophe Pallier, Marc Brysbaert, and Ludovic Ferrand. Lexique 2: a new French lexical database. Behav Res Methods Instrum Comput, 36(3):516--24, August 2004. [WWW] [PDF]
    Abstract: In this article, we present a new lexical database for French: Lexique. In addition to classical word information such as gender, number, and grammatical category, Lexique includes a series of interesting new characteristics. First, word frequencies are based on two cues: a contemporary corpus of texts and the number of Web pages containing the word. Second, the database is split into a graphemic table with all the relevant frequencies, a table structured around lemmas (particularly interesting for the study of the inflectional family), and a table about surface frequency cues. Third, Lexique is distributed under a GNU-like license, allowing people to contribute to it. Finally, a metasearch engine, Open Lexique, has been developed so that new databases can be added very easily to the existing ones. Lexique can either be downloaded or interrogated freely from

  21. Manuela Piazza, Veronique Izard, Philippe Pinel, Denis Le Bihan, and Stanislas Dehaene. Tuning curves for approximate numerosity in the human intraparietal sulcus. Neuron, 44(3):547--55, October 2004. [WWW] [PDF]
    Abstract: Number, like color or movement, is a basic property of the environment. Recently, single neurons tuned to number have been observed in animals. We used both psychophysics and neuroimaging to examine whether a similar neural coding scheme is present in humans. When participants viewed sets of items with a variable number, the bilateral intraparietal sulci responded selectively to number change. Functionally, the shape of this response indicates that humans, like other animal species, encode approximate number on a compressed internal scale. Anatomically, the intraparietal site coding for number in humans is compatible with that observed in macaque monkeys. Our results therefore suggest an evolutionary basis for human elementary arithmetic {\textless}p{\textgreater} Check this {\textless}a href= ""{\textgreater}document{\textless}/a{\textgreater} for detailed explantations about the creation of the stimuli.

  22. Pierre Pica, Cathy Lemer, Véronique Izard, and Stanislas Dehaene. Exact and approximate arithmetic in an Amazonian indigene group. Science, 306(5695):499--503, October 2004. [WWW] [PDF]
    Abstract: Is calculation possible without language? Or is the human ability for arithmetic dependent on the language faculty? To clarify the relation between language and arithmetic, we studied numerical cognition in speakers of Munduruku, an Amazonian language with a very small lexicon of number words. Although the Munduruku lack words for numbers beyond 5, they are able to compare and add large approximate numbers that are far beyond their naming range. However, they fail in exact arithmetic with numbers larger than 4 or 5. Our results imply a distinction between a nonverbal system of number approximation and a language-based counting system for exact number and arithmetic

  23. Philippe Pinel, Manuela Piazza, Denis LeBihan, and Stanislas Dehaene. Distributed and overlapping cerebral representations of number size and luminance during comparative judgements. Neuron, 41(6):983--993, 2004. [PDF]
    Abstract: How are comparative judgments performed in the human brain? We scanned subjects with fMRI while they compared stimuli for size, luminance, or number. Regions involved in comparative judgments were identified using three criteria: task-related activation, presence of a distance effect, and interference of one dimension onto the other. We observed considerable overlap in the neural substrates of the three comparison tasks. Interestingly, the amount of overlap predicted the amount of cross-dimensional interference: in both behavior and fMRI, number interfered with size, and size with luminance, but number did not interfere with luminance. The results suggest that during comparative judgments, the relevant continuous quantities are represented in distributed and overlapping neural populations, with number and size engaging a common parietal spatial code, while size and luminance engage shared occipito-temporal perceptual representations

  24. Claire Sergent and Stanislas Dehaene. Neural processes underlying conscious perception: experimental findings and a global neuronal workspace framework.. J Physiol Paris, 98(4-6):374--384, 2004. [WWW] [PDF]
    Abstract: One striking property of perception is that it can be achieved in two seemingly different ways: either consciously or non-consciously. What distinguishes these two types of processing at the neural level? So far, empirical findings suggest that conscious perception is associated with an increase in activity at the sensory level, the specific involvement of a fronto-parietal network and an increase in long-distance functional connectivity and synchrony within a broad network of areas. We interpret these data in the framework of the global neuronal workspace model which proposes that the neural basis of conscious access is a sudden self-amplifying process leading to a global brain-scale pattern of activity. In contradiction with several theories which assume that there is a continuum of perception, associated with a gradual change in the intensity of brain activation, the model predicts a sharp non-linear transition between non-conscious and conscious processing.

  25. Claire Sergent and Stanislas Dehaene. Is consciousness a gradual phenomenon ? Evidence for an all-or-none bifurcation during the attentional blink. Psycol. sci., 15:720--28, 2004. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  26. Mariano Sigman. Bridging psychology and mathematics: can the brain understand the brain?. PLoS Biol, 2(9):E297, September 2004. [WWW] [PDF] [bibtex-entry]

  27. Olivier Simon, Ferath Kherif, Guillaume Flandin, Jean-Baptiste Poline, Denis Rivière, Jean-François Mangin, Denis Le Bihan, and Stanislas Dehaene. Automatized clustering and functional geometry of human parietofrontal networks for language, space, and number. Neuroimage, 23(3):1192--1202, November 2004. [WWW] [PDF]
    Abstract: Human functional MRI studies frequently reveal the joint activation of parietal and of lateral and mesial frontal areas during various cognitive tasks. To analyze the geometrical organization of those networks, we used an automatized clustering algorithm that parcels out sets of areas based on their similar profile of task-related activations or deactivations. This algorithm allowed us to reanalyze published fMRI data (Simon, O., Mangin, J.F., Cohen, L., Le Bihan, D., Dehaene, S., 2002. Topographical layout of hand, eye, calculation, and language-related areas in the human parietal lobe. Neuron 33, 475-487) and to reproduce the previously observed geometrical organization of activations for saccades, attention, grasping, pointing, calculation, and language processing in the parietal lobe. Further, we show that this organization extends to lateral and mesial prefrontal regions. Relative to the parietal lobe, the prefrontal functional geometry is characterized by a partially symmetrical anteroposterior ordering of activations, a decreased representation of effector-specific tasks, and a greater emphasis on higher cognitive functions of attention, higher-order spatial representation, calculation, and language. Anatomically, our results in humans are closely homologous to the known connectivity of parietal and frontal regions in the macaque monkey

  28. Valérie Ventureyra, Christophe Pallier, and Hi-Yon Yoo. The loss of first language phonetic perception in adopted Koreans. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 17:79--91, 2004. [PDF]
    Abstract: Does early exposure to a language leave permanent traces in the brain? We examine this issue by testing a group of native Koreans who were adopted by French-speaking families and have stopped using their ?rst language for many years. Previous results suggest that they are not able to recognize Korean sentences, nor to identify Korean words (Pallier et al. 2003). In the present study, we focus on the possible remnants of L1 phonology, by assessing the adoptees? capacity to discriminate Korean voiceless consonants which are dif?cult to perceive by native French speakers. Data from groups of adoptees, native speakers of French, and native speakers of Korean, show that the adoptees do not perceive the differences between Korean phonemes better than native French speakers previously unexposed to Korean. Also, adoptees having been reexposed to Korean and those without reexposure perform similarly on this task. These results demonstrate that the Korean adoptees do not have easy access to the phonetic categories of the Korean language



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Note that this is not the exhaustive list of publications, but only a selection. Contact the individual authors for complete lists of references.

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