Publications of year 2007
  1. Stanislas Dehaene. Les neurones de la lecture. Odile Jacob, 2007.

  1. Susannah Kyle Revkin. Investigating the processes involved in subitizing and numerical estimation: a study of healthy and brain-damaged subjects. PhD Thesis, 2007. [PDF]

Book chapters
  1. Stanislas Dehaene, Véronique Izard, Catherine Lemer, and Pierre Pica. Quels sont les liens entre arithmétique et langage? Une étude en Amazonie. In J. Bricmont and J. J. Franck, editors,Chomsky, pages 188--196. L'Herne, 2007. [PDF]

  2. Stanislas Dehaene. Conscious and non-conscious processes: Distinct forms of evidence accumulation?. In , pages 1--29. 2007. [PDF]

  3. Stanislas Dehaene. Symbols and quantities in parietal cortex: elements of a mathematical theory of number representation and manipulation. In Patrick Haggard, Yves Rossetti, and Mitsuo Kawato, editors,Sensorimotor foundations of higher cognition, volume XXII of Attention and Performance, pages 527--574. Harvard University Press, 2007. [PDF]

  4. Rosalie Footnick. A hidden language: Recovery of a 'lost' language is triggered by hypnosis. In Merel Keijzer Barbara Köpke, Monika S. Schmid and Susan Dostert, editors,Language Attrition: Theoretical perspectives. John Benjamins, Amsterdam. 2007. [PDF]

  5. Christophe Pallier. Critical periods in language acquisition and language attrition. In Barbara Köpke, Monika S. Schmid, Merel Keijzer, and Susan Dostert, editors,Language Attrition: Theoretical perspectives. John Benjamins, Amsterdam, 2007. [PDF]

  6. Jean-Baptiste Poline, Ferath Kherif, Christophe Pallier, and Will Penny. Contrasts and Classical Inference. In Karl Friston, editor,Statistical Parameter Mapping. Elsevier, 2007.

  7. Anna Juliet Wilson and Stanislas Dehaene. Number sense and developmental dyscalculia. In Donna Coch, Geraldine Dawson, and Kurt Fischer, editors,Human behavior, learning and the developing brain: Atypical development. Guilford Press, New York, 2007. [PDF] [Abstract]

Articles in journals
  1. Marco Buiatti, David Papo, Pierre-Marie Baudonniere, and Carl van Vreeswijk. Feedback modulates the temporal scale-free dynamics of brain electrical activity in a hypothesis testing task. Neuroscience, 146:1400--12, 2007. [PDF]

  2. Stanislas Dehaene and Laurent Cohen. Cultural recycling of cortical maps. Neuron, 56(2):384--398, October 2007. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  3. Stanislas Dehaene and Laurent Cohen. Response to Carreiras et al: The role of visual similarity, feedforward, feedback and lateral pathways in reading. Trends Cogn Sci, 11(11):456--457, November 2007. [WWW] [PDF]

  4. Stanislas Dehaene. A few steps toward a science of mental life. Mind, Brain, and Education, 1, 2007. [PDF]

  5. Antoine Del Cul, Sylvain Baillet, and Stanislas Dehaene. Brain dynamics underlying the nonlinear threshold for access to consciousness. PLoS Biol, 5(10):e260, October 2007. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  6. Ansgar D. Endress, Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz, and Jacques Mehler. Perceptual constraints and the learnability of simple grammars.. Cognition, 105(3):577--614, December 2007. [WWW] [Abstract]

  7. Raphaël Gaillard, Laurent Cohen, Claude Adam, Stéphane Clemenceau, Dominique Hasboun, Michel Baulac, Jean-Claude Willer, Stanislas Dehaene, and Lionel Naccache. Subliminal words durably affect neuronal activity. Neuroreport, 18(15):1527--1531, October 2007. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  8. Anne-Lise Giraud, Andreas Kleinschmidt, David Poeppel, Torben E. Lund, Richard S. J. Frackowiak, and Helmut Laufs. Endogenous cortical rhythms determine cerebral specialization for speech perception and production. Neuron, 56(6):1127--1134, December 2007. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  9. Narly Golestani, Nicolas Molko, Stanislas Dehaene, Denis Lebihan, and Christophe Pallier. Brain structure predicts the learning of foreign speech sounds. Cereb Cortex, 17(3):575--582, March 2007. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  10. Narly Golestani and Christophe Pallier. Anatomical correlates of foreign speech sound production. Cereb Cortex, 17(4):929--934, April 2007. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  11. Grit Hein, Arjen Alink, Andreas Kleinschmidt, and Notger G. Müller. Competing neural responses for auditory and visual decisions. PLoS ONE, 2:e320, 2007. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  12. Edward M. Hubbard. Neurophysiology of synesthesia.. Curr Psychiatry Rep, 9(3):193--199, June 2007. [PDF] [Abstract]

  13. Andreas Kleinschmidt. Different analysis solutions for different spatial resolutions? Moving towards a mesoscopic mapping of functional architecture in the human brain. Neuroimage, 38(4):663--665, December 2007. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  14. Andreas Kleinschmidt. Incidental neuroimaging findings: lessons from brain research in volunteers. Curr Opin Neurol, 20(4):387--389, August 2007. [WWW] [PDF]

  15. Sid Kouider and Stanislas Dehaene. Levels of processing during non-conscious perception: a critical review of visual masking. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 362(1481):857--875, May 2007. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  16. Sid Kouider, Stanislas Dehaene, Antoinette Jobert, and Denis Le Bihan. Cerebral bases of subliminal and supraliminal priming during reading.. Cereb Cortex, 17(9):2019--2029, September 2007. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  17. Claire Landmann, Stanislas Dehaene, Sabina Pappata, Antoinette Jobert, Michel Bottlaender, Dimitri Roumenov, and Denis Le Bihan. Dynamics of Prefrontal and Cingulate Activity during a Reward-Based Logical Deduction Task. Cereb Cortex, 17:749--759, 2007. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  18. Koleen McCrink, Stanislas Dehaene, and Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz. Moving along the number line: operational momentum in nonsymbolic arithmetic. Perception & Psychophysics, 69(8):1324--1333, November 2007. [PDF] [Abstract]

  19. Notger G. Müller and Andreas Kleinschmidt. Temporal dynamics of the attentional spotlight: neuronal correlates of attentional capture and inhibition of return in early visual cortex. J Cogn Neurosci, 19(4):587--593, April 2007. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  20. Kimihiro Nakamura, Stanislas Dehaene, Antoinette Jobert, Denis Le Bihan, and Sid Kouider. Task-specific change of unconscious neural priming in the cerebral language network.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 104(49):19643--19648, December 2007. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  21. Boris New, Marc Brysbaert, Jean Veronis, and Christophe Pallier. The use of film subtitles to estimate word frequencies. Applied Psycholinguistics, 28:661--677, 2007. [PDF]

  22. Manuela Piazza, Philippe Pinel, Denis Le Bihan, and Stanislas Dehaene. A Magnitude Code Common to Numerosities and Number Symbols in Human Intraparietal Cortex. Neuron, 53(2):293--305, January 2007. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  23. Philippe Pinel, Bertrand Thirion, Sébastien Meriaux, Antoinette Jobert, Julien Serres, Denis Le Bihan, Jean-Baptiste Poline, and Stanislas Dehaene. Fast reproducible identification and large-scale databasing of individual functional cognitive networks.. BMC Neurosci, 8:91, 2007. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  24. C. Poupon, F. Poupon, A. Roche, Y. Cointepas, J. Dubois, and J. F. Mangin. Real-time MR diffusion tensor and Q-ball imaging using Kalman filtering.. Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv Int Conf Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv, 10(Pt 1):27--35, 2007. [Abstract]

  25. Françoise Reuter, Antoine Del Cul, Bertrand Audoin, Irina Malikova, Lionel Naccache, Jean Philippe Ranjeva, Olivier Lyon-Caen, André Ali Chérif, Laurent Cohen, Stanislas Dehaene, and Jean Pelletier. Intact subliminal processing and delayed conscious access in multiple sclerosis. Neuropsychologia, 45:2683--91, April 2007. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  26. S. Rodrigo, Catherine Oppenheim, F. Chassoux, Narly Golestani, Yann Cointepas, Cyrille Poupon, Franck Semah, Jean-François Mangin, Denis Le Bihan, and J.-F. Meder. Uncinate fasciculus fiber tracking in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Initial findings. Eur Radiol, January 2007. [WWW] [Abstract]

  27. M. Sigman, A. Jobert, D. Lebihan, and Stanislas Dehaene. Parsing a sequence of brain activations at psychological times using fMRI. Neuroimage, 35(2):655--668, April 2007. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  28. Philipp Sterzer and Andreas Kleinschmidt. A neural basis for inference in perceptual ambiguity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 104(1):323--328, January 2007. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  29. Philipp Sterzer, Christina Stadler, Fritz Poustka, and Andreas Kleinschmidt. A structural neural deficit in adolescents with conduct disorder and its association with lack of empathy. Neuroimage, 37(1):335--342, August 2007. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  30. Bertrand Thirion, Philippe Pinel, Sébastien Mériaux, Alexis Roche, Stanislas Dehaene, and Jean-Baptiste Poline. Analysis of fMRI data sampled from large populations: statistical and methodological issues. Neuroimage, 35:105--120, 2007.

  31. Bertrand Thirion, Philippe Pinel, Sébastien Mériaux, Alexis Roche, Stanislas Dehaene, and Jean-Baptiste Poline. Analysis of a large fMRI cohort: Statistical and methodological issues for group analyses. Neuroimage, 35(1):105--120, March 2007. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  32. Fabien Vinckier, Stanislas Dehaene, Antoinette Jobert, Jean Philippe Dubus, Mariano Sigman, and Laurent Cohen. Hierarchical coding of letter strings in the ventral stream: dissecting the inner organization of the visual word-form system. Neuron, 55(1):143--156, July 2007. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]



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Note that this is not the exhaustive list of publications, but only a selection. Contact the individual authors for complete lists of references.

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