Publications of year 2009
  1. Stanislas Dehaene. Reading in the brain. Penguin Viking, 2009. [WWW]

  2. Stanislas Dehaene and Christine Petit. Parole et musique. Odile Jacob, 2009.

Book chapters
  1. Marco Buiatti. Analisi multidimensionale della dinamica neurale di un processo cognitivo. In Bioingegneria per le Scienze Cognitive. Edizioni Patron, Bologna (Italy), 2009. [PDF]

  2. L. Cohen and S. Dehaene. Ventral and dorsal contribution to word reading. In M.S. Gazzaniga, editor,Cognitive Neuroscience, 4th edition. MIT Press, 2009. [PDF]

  3. Edward M. Hubbard, Manuela Piazza, Philippe Pinel, and Stanislas Dehaene. Numerical and Spatial Intuitions: A Role for Posterior Parietal Cortex?. In L. Tommasi, L. Nadel, and M. A. Peterson, editors,Cognitive Biology: Evolutionary and Developmental Perspectives on Mind, Brain and Behavior, pages 221-246. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass, 2009. [PDF]

Articles in journals
  1. Tristan A Bekinschtein, Stanislas Dehaene, Benjamin Rohaut, François Tadel, Laurent Cohen, and Lionel Naccache. Neural signature of the conscious processing of auditory regularities.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 106(5):1672--1677, February 2009. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  2. Manon J N L Benders, Floris Groenendaal, Frank van Bel, Russia Ha Vinh, Jessica Dubois, François Lazeyras, Simon K Warfield, Petra S Hüppi, and Linda S de Vries. Brain development of the preterm neonate after neonatal hydrocortisone treatment for chronic lung disease.. Pediatr Res, 66(5):555--559, November 2009. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  3. Davina Bristow, Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz, Jeremie Mattout, Catherine Soares, Teodora Gliga, Sylvain Baillet, and Jean-François Mangin. Hearing Faces: How the Infant Brain Matches the Face It Sees with the Speech It Hears. J Cogn Neurosci, 21:905-21, 2009. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  4. Marco Buiatti, Marcela Peña, and Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz. Investigating the neural correlates of continuous speech computation with frequency-tagged neuroelectric responses. Neuroimage, 44(2):509--519, January 2009. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  5. Jessica F Cantlon, Melissa E Libertus, Philippe Pinel, Stanislas Dehaene, Elizabeth M Brannon, and Kevin A Pelphrey. The Neural Development of an Abstract Concept of Number.. J Cogn Neurosci, 21(11):2217-29, November 2009. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  6. Stanislas Dehaene and Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz. Neuro-imagerie cognitive:phylogenèse et ontogenèse. Bull.Acad.Natle Méd, 193:883-89, 2009.

  7. Stanislas Dehaene, Veronique Izard, Pierre Pica, and Elizabeth Spelke. Response to Comment on Log or Linear? Distinct intuitions of the Number Scale in Western and Amazonian Indigene Cultures. Science, 323:38c, 2009. [PDF]

  8. Stanislas Dehaene. Origins of mathematical intuitions: the case of arithmetic.. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1156:232--259, March 2009. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  9. Stanislas Dehaene. The case for a notation-independent representation of number.. Behav Brain Sci, 32(3-4):333--5; discussion 356-73, August 2009. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  10. A Del Cul, S Dehaene, P Reyes, E Bravo, and A Slachevsky. Causal role of prefrontal cortex in the threshold for access to consciousness. Brain, 132:2531-2540, 2009. [PDF]

  11. Anne-Dominique Devauchelle, Catherine Oppenheim, Luigi Rizzi, Stanislas Dehaene, and Christophe Pallier. Sentence syntax and content in the human temporal lobe: an fMRI adaptation study in auditory and visual modalities.. J Cogn Neurosci, 21(5):1000--1012, May 2009. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  12. J. Dubois, L. Hertz-Pannier, A. Cachia, J. F. Mangin, D. Le Bihan, and G. Dehaene-Lambertz. Structural asymmetries in the infant language and sensori-motor networks.. Cereb Cortex, 19(2):414--423, February 2009. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  13. Evelyn Eger, Vincent Michel, Bertrand Thirion, Alexis Amadon, Stanislas Dehaene, and Andreas Kleinschmidt. Deciphering Cortical Number Coding from Human Brain Activity Patterns.. Curr Biol, September 2009. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  14. Raphael Gaillard, Stanislas Dehaene, Claude Adam, Stephane Clemenceau, Dominique Hasboun, Michel Baulac, Laurent Cohen, and and Lionel Naccache. Converging Intracranial Markers of Conscious Access. PLoS Biol, 7(3), 2009. [PDF] [Abstract]

  15. Linda Heinemann, Andreas Kleinschmidt, and Notger G Müller. Exploring BOLD changes during spatial attention in non-stimulated visual cortex.. PLoS One, 4(5):e5560, 2009. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  16. Edward M. Hubbard, Mariagrazia Ranzini, Manuela Piazza, and Stanislas Dehaene. What Information is Critical to Elicit Interference in Number-Form Synaesthesia?. Cortex, 45:1200-16, 2009. [PDF]

  17. Véronique Izard, Coralie Sann, Elizabeth S Spelke, and Arlette Streri. Newborn infants perceive abstract numbers.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 106(25):10382--10385, June 2009. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  18. Armen Kalashyan, Marco Buiatti, and Paolo Grigolini. Ergodicity breakdown and scaling in single sequences. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 39:895-909, 2009. [PDF]

  19. Andre Knops, Bertrand Thirion, Edward M Hubbard, Vincent Michel, and Stanislas Dehaene. Recruitment of an Area Involved in Eye Movements During Mental Arithmetic.. Science, 324, May 2009. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  20. Andre Knops, Arnaud Viarouge, and Stanislas Dehaene. Dynamic representations underlying symbolic and nonsymbolic calculation: Evidence from the operational momentum effect.. Atten Percept Psychophys, 71(4):803--821, May 2009. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  21. Sid Kouider and Stanislas Dehaene. Subliminal number priming within and across the visual and auditory modalities.. Exp Psychol, 56(6):418--433, 2009. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  22. Sid Kouider, Evelyn Eger, R Dolan, and R.N. Henson. Activity in face-responsive brain regions in modulated by invisible attended faces: evidence from masked priming. Cereb Cortex, 19:13-23, 2009.

  23. Julien Lefevre, François Leroy, Sheraz Khan, Jessica Dubois, Petra S Huppi, Sylvain Baillet, and Jean-François Mangin. Identification of growth seeds in the neonate brain through surfacic Helmholtz decomposition.. Inf Process Med Imaging, 21:252--263, 2009. [PDF] [Abstract]

  24. Vincent Navarro, Christine Delmaire, Valérie Chauviré, Marie-Odile Habert, Rosalie Footnick, Stéphane Lehéricy, Michel Baulac, Christophe Pallier, and Laurent Cohen. What is it? A functional MRI and SPECT study of ictal speech in a second language.. Epilepsy Behav, 14(2):396--399, February 2009. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  25. Andreas Nieder and Stanislas Dehaene. Representation of number in the brain.. Annu Rev Neurosci, 32:185--208, 2009. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  26. Manuela Piazza and Veronique Izard. What is an (abstract) neural representation of quantity?. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 32:348-349, 2009.

  27. Manuela Piazza and Veronique Izard. How humans count: numerosity and the parietal cortex.. Neuroscientist, 15(3):261--273, June 2009. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  28. Mariagrazia Ranzini, Stanislas Dehaene, Manuela Piazza, and Edward M Hubbard. Neural mechanisms of attentional shifts due to irrelevant spatial and numerical cues.. Neuropsychologia, 47:2615-2624, May 2009. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  29. Pekka Rasanen, Jonna Salminen, Anna Wilson, Pirjo Aunio, and Stanislas Dehaene. Computer-assisted intervention for children with low numeracy skills. Cognitive Development, 24:450-72, 2009. [PDF]

  30. F. Reuter, B. Audoin, C. Liegois-Chauvel, I. Malikov, L. Naccache, L. Cohen, A. Del Cul, P. Cozzone, A.A. Cherif, S. Dehaene, J.P. Ranjeva, and J. Pelletier. Approach in IRMF of the visual conscious and non conscious perception in the precocious stadium of sclerosis in patches. Rev Neurol, 165:s49-s50, 2009.

  31. Françoise Reuter, Antoine Del Cul, Irina Malikova, Lionel Naccache, Sylviane Confort-Gouny, Laurent Cohen, André Ali Chérif, Patrick J. Cozzone, Jean Pelletier, Jean Philippe Ranjeva, Stanislas Dehaene, and Bertrand Audoin. White matter damage impairs access to consciousness in multiple sclerosis. Neuroimage, 44(2):590--599, January 2009. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  32. Elena Rusconi, Philippe Pinel, Evelyn Eger, Denis LeBihan, Bertrand Thirion, Stanislas Dehaene, and Andreas Kleinschmidt. A disconnection account of Gerstmann syndrome: functional neuroanatomy evidence.. Ann Neurol, 66(5):654--662, November 2009. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  33. Jérôme Sackur and Stanislas Dehaene. The cognitive architecture for chaining of two mental operations.. Cognition, 111(2):187--211, May 2009. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  34. Sepideh Sadaghiani, Guido Hesselmann, and Andreas Kleinschmidt. Distributed and antagonistic contributions of ongoing activity fluctuations to auditory stimulus detection.. Journal of Neuroscience, 29(42):13410--13417, October 2009. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  35. Aaron Schurger, Francisco Pereira, Anne Treisman, and Jonathan D. Cohen. Reproducibility Distinguishes Conscious From Non-conscious Neural Representations. Science, November 12, 2009.

  36. Philipp Sterzer, Andreas Kleinschmidt, and Geraint Rees. The neural bases of multistable perception.. Trends Cogn Sci, June 2009. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  37. Marcin Szwed, Laurent Cohen, Emilie Qiao, and Stanislas Dehaene. The role of invariant line junctions in object and visual word recognition.. Vision Res, February 2009. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  38. Virginie van Wassenhove. Minding time in an amodal representational space.. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 364(1525):1815--1830, July 2009. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  39. Anna J. Wilson, Stanislas Dehaene, Ophélie Dubois, and Michel Fayol. Effects of an Adaptive Game Intervention on Accessing Number Sense in Low-Socioeconomic-Status Kindergarten Children. Mind, Brain, and Education, 3(4):224-234, 2009. [PDF]

  40. Marc Wittmann and Virginie van Wassenhove. The experience of time: neural mechanisms and the interplay of emotion, cognition and embodiment.. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 364(1525):1809--1813, July 2009. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  41. Ariel Zylberberg, Stanislas Dehaene, Gabriel B. Mindlin, and Mariano Sigman. Neurophysiological bases of exponential sensory decay and top-down memory retrieval: a model. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 3:1-16, 2009. [PDF]

  1. Stanislas Dehaene. La neuroéthique, une nouvelle frontière pour les sciences humaines.., 2009. [PDF]



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